PETA: people eating tasty animalsAnother win for using scientific names instead of common - but you wouldn’t think that would matter for an easily identifiable species…
I guess I’ll go back to my usual identification behavior - “big bird, small bird, that one looks like a dove”
It’s sad to think that there’s actually people out there who see a bird or an insect (like Gypsy - sorry, spongy - moths) and get offended by its name.
I wonder when this fish will get its name changed:
Or does it not matter unless 2-3 people are offended by the name?![]()
Slippery dick - Wikipedia
Will the killdeer (one of my favorite birds ever since they nested in my backyard) get renamed because PETA doesn’t like anything that promotes animal cruelty (except themselves)?
nature ain’t friendly!
agree using scientific names…