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Pics of the Chilean flamingo. I couldn't get close up photos to identify any morphological differences from tropical species except they exhibit more white than pink.


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Lol, I hope you got a bunch more pics of that mystery gull, Shadow. Of all the potentially-challenging bird groups...distant raptors, immature fall sparrows, Red Crossbill races, the dreaded peeps and LBJ's...I personally think that gulls are the most difficult, and they definitely bring the birding ultra-nerds out of the woodwork. It's a big group of generally similar-appearing birds, most of which have several plumage phases as they mature. They are among the most likely birds to travel long distances from their normal range...they definitely do hybridize a lot...and there can be significant individual variation between individuals. It's impressive to see and listen to birders of the highest experience level picking apart a pic like that an discussing the details. That third primary feather seems to be slightly shorter in relation to the second...the culmen is 5% thicker than expected...the iris is verrrry slightly oblong...the smudge behind the eye is 12.5% darker than it should be...the toenails are the wrong shade of grey. Honestly, I don't know whether to be awestruck or just to laugh out loud...maybe both... :)

You saw the bird in person, saw it walk and preen, saw different angles and details...pics like the one you posted cannot possibly approach that. Not taking a shot at you in person; long-distance pics always suck. So don't be too disappointed if you never hear an accepted consensus as to that bird's ID. We don't need to ID every single bird; in fact, we shouldn't. The mystery of a bird like that is a big part of the charm of birding.

And, of course, since you got the best look at it...any failure to ultimately ID it is entirely your fault!!! :ROFL:

There are some things man was not meant to know...:)
You saw the bird in person, saw it walk and preen, saw different angles and details...pics like the one you posted cannot possibly approach that. Not taking a shot at you in person; long-distance pics always suck. So don't be too disappointed if you never hear an accepted consensus as to that bird's ID. We don't need to ID every single bird; in fact, we shouldn't. The mystery of a bird like that is a big part of the charm of birding.
the toenails are the wrong shade of grey
jokes on you it seems that the gull nerds have agreed on a Glaucous-winged x Western hybrid, Olympic Gull; probably the most common hybrid. I think the toenails were indeed the right color 😄
jokes on you it seems that the gull nerds have agreed on a Glaucous-winged x Western hybrid, Olympic Gull; probably the most common hybrid. I think the toenails were indeed the right color 😄
No joke on me at all; in fact, that was the whole point I was trying, albeit poorly, to make. There are birders who cannot accept that some birds just can't be certainly ID'd, and simply must put a label on every individual specimen they see. If there's actually a common name attached to this hybrid, then it must be a relatively common one, but still a rarity. Do you always believe that each of these birds is correctly ID'd from a handful of fuzzy photos? I sure don't...and there is, aside from shooting the bird and analyzing its DNA, no way to be certain who, if anyone, is correct. :)

There's another extreme in the birding world as well: these are the guys who simply cannot accept that anyone other than they themselves is capable of ID-ing even the simplest most common bird. This type of expert points out that the robin that someone photographed in their backyard displays some subtle indications that it might be a hybrid, a robin crossed with some obscure Eurasian thrush that has been seen maybe 3x anywhere in North America. I knew a birder like this many years ago. Not only did he point out that anyone else might have been mistaken in their last ID, but by some incredible coincidence he found a string of incredibly rare birds that were never seen by anyone else. Moments after a group left a given spot, some unbelievably obscure vagrant would flash past him, giving him just enough of a clear view that allowed his superlative skills to ID the oddball. Sometimes hoards of birders would then stake out the spot and maybe scour the surrounding area, desperately hoping for a glimpse of the Grail Bird. It never happened; his discoveries were always one-day wonders, or even one-minute wonders, never to be seen again. His flock of followers dwindled over the years; I wonder why? Too many boy-that-cried-wolf events, perhaps?

I envy the skills of top birders; I'm especially amazed and awed by folks who can hear some obscure chirp or squeak or peep at a distance, perhaps from far up in the air after dark, and correctly identify the chirper or squeaker. I just don't believe that the available evidence...in most cases from a grainy pic or two...can always be used to ID everything. :)