Black Diamond or just go pool filter sand

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Apr 3, 2013
Makin a Poo
Honestly I'm really wanting to go black, however I've never used black diamond lasting media before.. Really nervous about negative long term effects. However pool filter sand seems so common. I checked into getting black quartz sand locally but it's 45.00 for 50lbs versus 7.50 for 50lbs of black diamond & 5.00 for 50 of PFS. I'm needing about 200lbs for my 180. So folks that have been using black diamond long term, would you do it again?

Should I just get plain pool filter sand?
Not sure what qualifies as long term, but I've had it in my one tank for just over 3 years at this point. I have clown loaches in it currently, old residents were polys, corys, other catfish... I love it. Fish seem to like it. Used it for the 180 I set up in January, and am redoing another one of my tanks next weekend with Black Diamond.

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Would you peeps with the black diamond mind posting a pic of your tanks here for me to see if its not to much of a hassle? I'm gonna get some tomorrow.
The Black Diamond blasting sand seems to vary in consistency based on region. I too wanted black sand for my new 125 tank, so I bought three bags of the BD blasting media. Well the first issue I encountered was an oily residue. So I posted about it. Everyone said it is normal and to just use a bit of Dawn soap to help remove the residue while washing it. So I continued to wash and put it in the tank. Well on the second bag, I actually got stabbed by a piece of the stuff! It stuck under my skin like a splinter and upon closer inspection, I had several cuts in my skin that just didn't go deep enough to bleed. Well I was really worried at this point since I had intended on putting sand sifting geos in the tank. Posted about my cuts and concerns and someone said it would be fine as long as I didn't have the little sticks of silica that would tear up the inside of a geo's mouth. Well I looked closely and sure enough, I had those tiny little stick things throughout the entire sand bed! The cons outweighed the pros for me at that point and I dumped it all, returned the third bag and bought pool filter sand for even cheaper than the BD blasting sand. I am now very happy with my sand and I will be getting my geos in soon. :)

Now I have read and even got a few responses from people who said they didn't have the oily residue or the tiny little silica sticks in their mix, so it seems to depend on the region you live in and where they get their product from. I would look at it closely and if you don't see any silica sticks, give it a shot. Not sure about oily residue, but everyone told me they had it and it did not harm any of their fish.

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I remember reading about your experience, i have opened and used 6 bags, and never came across the rods or oily residue. Maybe it is a region thing...i'm picking up 2 more bags next weekend, hopefully my luck continues.

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