Black fin shark?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yes they can grow to 1.5' TL but usually don't. 1' is very likely.

They can be ok in freshwater when very young. IMO and IME after ~3'-4", they need salt in the water to thrive, perhaps 0.5% (5 g of table salt per 1 liter). The more they grow, the more salt they will need... to full marine at adulthood, that is 3% salt. I know of perhaps 3 cases where the fish survived to adulthood in freshwater but it is a torture for the fish and all those people have lost their fish soon thereafter.

Swimming madly around is not always a good indicator. It often is with this fish but it also can be as if he is looking for a way out, that is unsuitable water is bothering him.

They don't hide normally and like each others company.
Lol, did you say table salt!?!?

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I understand. For dedicated marine tanks, marine salt is used, right? I'd not know - I have always only dealt with freshwater tanks. To create brackish from fresh, a regular sodium chloride is used most usually. Since we were talking about the transition from fresh to low brackish to high brackish to marine (I guess I should say marine-like) water, I said table salt.

Please educate me/us, how it should be done.