This started a couple of weeks ago when I noticed some little black spots developing on my about 4-5in clown loaches.
All the water parameters are within normal limits and all other fish in the tank are fine.
The loaches are active and eating.
I first noticed this right after I added a piece of driftwood into the aquarium but have since removed it but I didn’t like the way it looked. (Not sure if it’s related in anyway)
I’ve tried to up the water changes and up the temperature to see if this would change anything.
Does anyone know what this could possibly be?
All the water parameters are within normal limits and all other fish in the tank are fine.
The loaches are active and eating.
I first noticed this right after I added a piece of driftwood into the aquarium but have since removed it but I didn’t like the way it looked. (Not sure if it’s related in anyway)
I’ve tried to up the water changes and up the temperature to see if this would change anything.
Does anyone know what this could possibly be?