Blackwater Extract for Blackwater Habitats


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2009
If i just boil oak leaves will i get about the same result? right now i have TONS of that stuff just sitting on my lawn.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2009
peat is hard for me to get my hands on because at local stores they only carry peat with miracle grow, and the only peat without it is sold in bags the size of a car.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 12, 2009
well... bogwood and drift wood unboiled would work too...


Feeder Fish
Jun 23, 2010
A very strange thing happened! (At least it was shocking for me)
I set up a new breeding tank couple of weeks ago, just because I could realise my platies were getting extremely fat, carrying little eyeballs of fries in their bellies. I thought I may need to seperate the babies. But they are, now in breeding traps I have over 40 platy fries (cannot let them swim in the new tank). Meanwhile I thought I may give a try to my Blackskirt Tetras (blackwidow) to let them have some fun in my new 35 lt Tank, indeed they don't spawn when they are in the community tank. 2 days later I got bored I took them and put them back to the community tank. But before these happened in my new little tank I put a drift wood which is a big size wood ( first I boiled it 1-2 hour ofcourse, and kept in a bucket of water for a while). This wood made my water extremely brown , some kind of jelly look like cover on the wood made different things alive, so I had micro worms in the tank, water looked really disgusting. I made the test it was kind of acidic and NO2 was high so I changed half of the water and changed (the water is still brownish) the decorations many times, just because I didnt like the setting. But I put many different types of plants, no rocks, on the bottom plastic coated pebbles. On the top of this aquarium I have been using the light for my brine shrimp hatching set up so the light has been usually on. I need the little brine shripms to feed the fries. Then all of a sudden 10 days later since my tetras left the little tank, today I have found some little creatures, ugly fries in the tank!!! I couldn't believe what I see!!! How could they survive or how is it possible that in that water my tetras had fun!
Now I could see 4 fries, I am not sure if I will see more. I don't know what they eat there since I have not put any food there, how could they become more than half a cm. They are fairly seem like Blackwidows. Now they are in the little breeding thrap with my recently hatched platies (new additions). I just thought when I found them, I guess it happens in this way in the nature, they just survive. And Accidentaly I believe I have made a blackwater which they like and fries had survivals. Even I scrambled everything the tank 100 times they survived and could find something to eat! Unbelievable!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2010
I added some blackwater extract yesterday to my tank of rbp's. They are frisky and darting more frequently. The ph/alk hasn't budged. What does this mean? Or is this normal?