Bowfin Species Profile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
they breach alot! more then clown knives. if you don't leave space they will tare their heads up. i have found that if you super airate the water you can reduce the breaching. they wil come up to slurp the air with less violent breaches. ex, i have a air powered sponge filter, 2 emperor 400 hob filters, and 2 500+ canaster returns agitating the water.

mine are actually putting some size on faster then i thought they would. in the last 8 months they have added about 3" in length and 2x the girth.

typically occurs in 3' or less sandy bottom reed edges generally around late june. they prefer bullrushes. they make a nest about 2.5-3' across. bowfins breed in a male female pair. the male guards the nest very well even attacking wading humans(found that out the hard way) and then will help the fry to breath by pushing them up to the surface every min or so. then once the fry are a few inches long they form massive schools that stay in the shallow water close to the surface. once they gat around 3-6" they disappear for the most part. i believe from what i have encountered they (at least till they are 12") follow bullhead schools. they seem to use the bullheads for cover and will pick off young bullheads.
I want one so bad...!
I've never owned a bowfin but I can attest to their boldness. I was at a lake in central florida last week and walking out into about a foot of water,a 5 or 6 pound bowfin swam right up to me. It definetly showed no fear and almost seemed curious. It brushed up against my leg before it swam off. I wish I had a fishing rod with me but alas I left it on the beach. I hooked a larger fish on a purple worm that evening doing the same thing but it broke off. I wish I had some pics.
Funnest fish to catch, I hope you guys catch n release or just put em in a big aqairium

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