Breeding Raphael Talking Catfish - Platydoras armatulus


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Oct 18, 2015
Looks like this is a case of misreading on both sides.
20l can either mean 20 liters or a 20 long, which is a style of 20g tank.
Also, algae doesn't grow under gravel. Maybe on the glass besides gravel, sometimes, but not that thick. You appear to have a lot of gunk in your gravel. Is that not the case?
@Akeno071 didn't say that photosynthesis is a plant, they said that algae photosynthesizes- though the words do look very similar.
Perhaps try removing the catfish from the tank and holding it in a small container of water for a short time in order to photograph it from above?

Your best bet for natural breeding might be placing a pair in a large tank set up to their liking- not much light, lots of hiding spots, no bothersome tankmates. Feeding frozen or live foods is always a good start. And it might be worthwhile researching Raphael cats in general to find out where they come from and if they have wet/dry seasons in their native habitat. Cory catfish are often triggered to spawn by a water change with cooler water, simulating a rainfall, so that could potentially be a decent start if there's something similar that occurs in a Raphael's homeland.
If it was me, I'd put them in their own tank and try lots of frozen/live foods (ghost shrimp, maybe?) and some fairly large water changes. Can't hurt, at least.