Breeding sailfin Mollies for live feed

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I did try to put some guppies in with my breeder tank but they didnt produce. I also heard that swordtails will not breed if they were in a tank with other types of fish, besides mollies. I think that if your breeding for feeders, the mollies and swords would be a better option because you will get around the same output but they will be larger.
Hey, im trying the same thing. I have 5 convicts and 2 pairs grouped up and they have just layed eggs. So im waiting for them to hatch, and I am about to make a planted tank with fancy tails, zebras, and white cloud minnows to do the same thing.

I only had the convicts like 2 weeks and they already have eggs, they havent hatched yet but im pretty excited that it may be working.
VampAro69;3033526; said:
Hey, im trying the same thing. I have 5 convicts and 2 pairs grouped up and they have just layed eggs. So im waiting for them to hatch, and I am about to make a planted tank with fancy tails, zebras, and white cloud minnows to do the same thing.

I only had the convicts like 2 weeks and they already have eggs, they haven't hatched yet but im pretty excited that it may be working.

Good luck.
I am trying Convicts to but it does not seem like they want to pair up at all I think the lfs gave me only females or only males...:ROFL: how long does it take for convict eggs to hatch, and how old do Convicts have to be to lay eggs?
Here in FLorida you can catch mollies in the canal... I caught 5 mollies 3 females and 2 males. The first batch even with my goldfish in the pond about 10 survived. I have since put them in a kiddie pool with a bunch of anacharis and have 100's of them. A big kiddie pool or stock tank will work well with the anacharis because it will give them plenty of food and room to grow quicker.
K-26 My convicts paired off right away within the first 2 days. I had the petstore get me 3 females and 2 males. The females have pinkish sides in the middle of their bodies. They laid eggs fast.

From what I know convicts can breed when they hit 2.5 inches. But I need to know also if I should take out the eggs or leave the babies in, ive heard that the moms are great at protecting the young and just to leave them in?

And Robb I live in Florida and you can get all kinds of fish, I have caught all types of minnows and flagfish, jewl cichleds, darters, ghost shrimp bounch of stuff I caint rember though.
Wulfonce;2993077; said:
I find it difficult to tell when they're pregnant so I wont even go there.

Yes its possible for a male to impregnate more then 1 female

its very easy to tell when mollies or other types of small fish are pregnant.
the females will have a big black bunch of "eggs" in their wombs near their butt. it looks like they have to take a crap but its actually eggs.