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breidohri cichlid


MFK Member
IMG_4793.JPG First time keeping these guys I got 3 little ones 2 2.5" & one 3.5" what can I expect with these. I have one Chocolate Cichlid & a female Black belt , a true parrot Cichlid , I used to have a plum head 18 years ago & he was my favorite fish, this kind of reminds me of him.
Expect them to spawn at a fairly small size, maybe 4".
They are moderate, as far as aggression goes in a proper size tank.
I personally would not keep them with a black belt, because BBs can become overly aggressive, especially to other Vieja, which they tend to think of as direct competition for resources.
( I normally don't keep cichlids of the same genus together, unless they are found that way in nature, and most never are)
Mine did well in a 6ft tank with cichlids of other genera, like "dissimilar shaped Paraneetroplus gibbiceps.

female below

Thanks for the info on these your fish look great, I have these in a 210 and the only similar fish is that Blackbelt I'll keep a close eye on them.
A 210 is a great size tank for breidhori, but even there, you'll need to watch the maculacauda like hawk, and at the first sign of aggression get it out if you expect the breidhori to survive.
Many times an alpha fish will be able to intimidate others into a diseased death.
And this hyper aggressive nature may be reason that black belts are arguably "the" most successful Vieja in Central America. The range spans far north, down into Panama where I live. They seem to eliminate most other Vieja's from whatever waters they inhabit, but also can go from totally fresh water rivers and lagoons, to being seen in brackish estuaries, to the ocean grazing salt water algae temporarily.
Whenever I kept black belts, I ended up giving them their own tanks.
IMG_4910.JPG IMG_4910.JPG
A 210 is a great size tank for breidhori, but even there, you'll need to watch the maculacauda like hawk, and at the first sign of aggression get it out if you expect the breidhori to survive.
Many times an alpha fish will be able to intimidate others into a diseased death.
And this hyper aggressive nature may be reason that black belts are arguably "the" most successful Vieja in Central America. The range spans far north, down into Panama where I live. They seem to eliminate most other Vieja's from whatever waters they inhabit, but also can go from totally fresh water rivers and lagoons, to being seen in brackish estuaries, to the ocean grazing salt water algae temporarily.
Whenever I kept black belts, I ended up giving them their own tanks.
I know your right I've had synspilium that were not too aggressive at all but , the male maculacauda that I bought at the same time grew into a total axe murderer grew a hump fast , I've had them since 2" had to get rid of him. So I assume this is a female only because her lower agresion & no hump.
Nice looking blackbelt, hope it all works out for you but I think there is the potential for problems with 3 vieja in there.