Benfica540 said:What are you gonna stock the mini monster tank with?
The Mini has been up for 8 years.
I've got schools of arrowanas (silvers, formosa & jardini), brycons (3 species 12" to 24"), oscars, red hooks, schomburki, leporinus (5 species), goramy (both species), hoevini barbs, stingrays, giraffe cat, pteradoras granulosus, clown knives, a lot of larger central american cichlids, a few large african cichlids.
My alligator Gar was eating too many fish so I caught him and moved him to a 540 with a 38" african lungfish,
A female Motoro stingray who had some pups had to be moved because her mate was close to killing her trying to breed again. I put her in my 800
6 panigasius sanitswongi were caught by OLiver Lucanus because they were eating cichlids over 12" for late night snacks. They got moved to my 50k+.