You are one of the keenest hobbyists with some amazing fish.
There are some conventions in England you might be able to attend.
How big is your Pac Man Catfish?
haha one day, I'll have an aquarium like yours and we'll sit down with some beers, looking at the fish reminding ourselves of this day haha
I have actually studied where the aquarium will be and how I'll do it. When I turn 16 I will sell some stuff, gets some sponsors, work in the summer and after school to save up for the tank, so not long haha
Their is some stuff here in Portugal but mainly Aquascaping and Cichlids but I try to attend everything. I'm aware of the conventions because I have a subscription for "Pratical FishKeeping" but I'm not sure I would go. This is because I have a friend who lives in the Amazon which was a Portuguese guy that loved fish so much that went to live there. He organizes trips to the Amazon and has great boats for such things. His company is called "Santarém Discus" and already won several International Discus awards.
I would also go to Aquarama in Singapure, my cousin "filiportela" (forum name), went there in 2007 and he said its awesome! Too bad he doesn't do forums anymore, he's probably the person I know that knows more about fish.
My Pacman is doing great he's not shy anymore he's about 35cm (donno in inches). If you want, I'll post a vid tonight for you.
Thanks for the compliment, means a lot from someone like you!
Keep it up, I'll be around this topic for at lest the next 58 pages to go.