Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Awesome !!!!!:WHOA: You inspired my user name. Wanna adopt an old woman and her Loaches.:grinyes:

Hey, every man must love a women that loves loaches.

Great user name!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:
by the way what is your website?

I have many interests and my basketball site is actually my only website but it does cover a few of my other interests like birds, fish:headbang2 , paralympics, hockey & olympics, cats, my dog named sex etc. if you look in the left column.
A few updates in the 50k:

Now that the black shark has been removed I have been able to introduce:

June 1 to 12 3 baby red tails 24" 14 months old raised by me
26" 14 months old taised by me
33" 36 months old (given to me by Sheldon X)
1 planiceps 33"
1 tiger shovelnose 25"
1 sail fin cat
3 baby gigas 28" to 30" 9 month old raised by me

12 plecos 12" to 18"

The Wallego has had few attempts to eat the gigas but by feeding him a 20" salmon and 16" mackeral he has settled down.

The gigas have already put a dent into the large cichlid population but with 28,000 lbs of lava rock they will repopulate in a few months.

I also have added a second air diffuser.
Sounds good. Do you have any recent pics of the tank?
The Black Shark (Morulius chrysophekadion)
has been caught and removed from the tank allowing for the introduction of a couple of young red tail cats (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus)
( one 24" and the other 36"). The black shark has killed several fish including 3 big red tails.

Hi Arapaimag how big is that black shark? And how come he did so much damage on the RTs? Competition for the territory? I am very curious about this fish behaviour in such a large tank like yours :)

PS: Do u keep any central american cichlids in the 50k? If so which species you keep? Do they get along with the other monsters?
Bye o/