It brightens my day to see that somebody can actually accomplish one of their dream tanks. Very motivating and one of a kind! 

thamunsta said:i live near peterbourough 2 hrs north of toronto the small town of lindsay my only monsters (i use the word sparingly) are piranhas 4 red bellys and a manueli i also have a flowerhorn the rest arent really monsters there small and peaceful
arapaimag said:I've got a brother with large farm near Kirby/35
I don't have a manueli
I do have a number of other Piranhas several of which are 15 to 17 years old. I once raised a red belly to just over 23 years of age.
kentobizmol said:hey ARAPAIMG, do you have any other pictures??
did you make it with some major aquarium company like west coast custom aquariums?
or was it a do-it-yourself project?
thamunsta said:WOW id love to come see your tanks it would be well worth the trip !!!