Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
It brightens my day to see that somebody can actually accomplish one of their dream tanks. Very motivating and one of a kind! :)
thamunsta said:
i live near peterbourough 2 hrs north of toronto the small town of lindsay my only monsters (i use the word sparingly) are piranhas 4 red bellys and a manueli i also have a flowerhorn the rest arent really monsters there small and peaceful

I've got a brother with large farm near Kirby/35

I don't have a manueli

I do have a number of other Piranhas several of which are 15 to 17 years old. I once raised a red belly to just over 23 years of age.
hey ARAPAIMG, do you have any other pictures??

did you make it with some major aquarium company like west coast custom aquariums?
or was it a do-it-yourself project?
arapaimag said:
I've got a brother with large farm near Kirby/35

I don't have a manueli

I do have a number of other Piranhas several of which are 15 to 17 years old. I once raised a red belly to just over 23 years of age.

thats soo old 15-17 how big where they, id love to come see your tanks/piranhas it would be well worth the trip
Absolutely Fantastic!!!... Only in my dreams would I imagine that....

Where I come from... reckon would cost a couple of hundred thousand to do that... excluding purchasing the land...
kentobizmol said:
hey ARAPAIMG, do you have any other pictures??

did you make it with some major aquarium company like west coast custom aquariums?
or was it a do-it-yourself project?

Actually I designed it myself and built it with the help of family, friends and acquantinces in related fields. I am physically unable to build much. I am however able to do a lot of the maintenace in aquariums less than 5 1/2 feet high. In October I decided to reduce a lot of my smaller tanks (35 to 50 gal) so I will be taking out about 70 of my tanks. I still will have over 50 left.
thamunsta said:
WOW id love to come see your tanks it would be well worth the trip !!!

That might be a possibility next summer. Due to my busy winter/spring schedule it would be difficult before then.