Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
wow. whats the fish in the net?? a tsn im guessing.
that giant gurami is huge!!!

whats the substrate? is there any? and what did you use to fill it? a garden hose?
nativelover said:
wow. whats the fish in the net?? a tsn im guessing.
that giant gurami is huge!!!

whats the substrate? is there any? and what did you use to fill it? a garden hose?

The fish in the net is a Sorubimichthys planiceps. (50" tl) in pic grew to 54" 25lbs.
bought in 1987 at 12" from Aquarium services (Big Al's) in Mississauga,Ont
died in 2004.

The Goramy is an Osphronemus goramy(gorami). It is not in the same family as gouramies. Notice the different spelling. It is often called the Giant Gouramie by many stores today. More experienced Stores will call it the Goramy . I bought it from Tropic Aquaria Brampton Ont at 2 inches in 1988. It grew to 27" and weighed 30lbs at its death in 2004.

I put 2,000 lbs of silca and in one area of the tank. It was for a motoro stingray to use. However the stingray approx 14in diameter was eaten after about 3 years in the tank.
I thought you had switched your name from 911, after you sold the car:naughty:
nice tank buddy. but just out of curiosity, if a fish dies and sinks to the bottom at the back of the tank, how do u get it out?
armac said:
I thought you had switched your name from 911, after you sold the car:naughty:

Yes I did! But I'm thinking most of the people here will remember me as 911 from PRED. fish so I kept 911 for that purpose here. Good Memory! :)
Vince said:
What or who ate the stingray?

I was surprised when it happened. I have unfortunately witnessed a Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum roll up a 10" stingray like a taco and take him whole.
The 14" however had been in the tank with these other fish for 3 years, so it was a surprise.

Not sure, the suspects at the time (1997) were:

a 27" Pseudopimelodus fowleri
a 50"+ Walego leeri
any of 5 Phractocephalus hemioliopterus
the largest weighed 90lbs when he was killed in 2003 by a 24"black shark Morulius chrysophekadion (The smaller shark inflicted repeated bites on his head

either of 2 Sorubimichthys planiceps (48" & 54")
either of 2 Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (36"-40")
novafishy said:
nice tank buddy. but just out of curiosity, if a fish dies and sinks to the bottom at the back of the tank, how do u get it out?

If its not eaten before anyone can get it. A grappling hook is used to bring it to the surface. If it can not be reached I just don't feed the tank till its eaten.
Even my daydreams don't go this far! Sweet setup. Can you post some more pics of your fish?
