Personally, I think the issue is with what is being fed to them. I really do not think that wheat, soy, corn or whatever else they use as filler/binder is suppose to be part of a fishes diet. Which is why for the most part I feed my fish veggies, shrimp, raw salmon etc.. .
I also do not like the way some of the foods I have tried make the water cloudy. I have found that when I stick to the above my water quality is great and the fish much healthier. I really tihnk that some of the additive laden foods lead to fish becoming bloated as it interfers with their ability to properly digest what they are eating.
I also do not like the way some of the foods I have tried make the water cloudy. I have found that when I stick to the above my water quality is great and the fish much healthier. I really tihnk that some of the additive laden foods lead to fish becoming bloated as it interfers with their ability to properly digest what they are eating.