Can someone please tell what happened to my texas cichlid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
But the thing is I don't have other texas in the tank so how is it trying to breed?
To answer your question bluntly, It doesn't care. When a fish wants to spawn, It isn't always particularly pick with what kind of fish. This is especially true with cichlids, and aparently, yours doesnt care whether It breeds with its own kind.
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duanes duanes thats what i was going to say that big blood parrot and that little Texas are going to hook up
It doesn't even matter if there's another viable partner in the tank or not. The instinct to spawn is deeply engrained and females lay eggs without a viable partner all the time. It's extremely common for two females to "pair up" and lay eggs - which of course do not get fertilized and are not viable. Also, females kept alone will also lay eggs - I had a female fenestratus who lived alone but laid eggs every month like clockwork.