Now here is the male. Despite what I've read about Caquetaia spectabilis being isomorphic in coloration, the female has more of a green and orange sheen, while the male is showing much more blue.
Oh man, I almost had heart failure. I walked back to the fridge to get another beer and noticed the mother spectabile took the fry out of the cave and out into the open. That's the first time I saw them leave the cave. I thought for sure the Xingu would rush over there and munch out on the fry before the spectabiles could do anything, he has the capability. I ran back and grabbed my camera. I only got 38 seconds worth of coverage, then my memory card filled up. After the recording stopped, the Butti and Xingu got too near to the fry, and the father came out and started kicking butt. The mother does most of the patrol work, the father stays closer to the fry. Nice to see dad come out when needed. Minutes later the mother signaled to the fry to get back down in the cave, it was so cool to watch, wish I could have captured that.
tydus, thanks, I like your EEK-Drool combo. That inspired me to try this combo in here.
gthiele, than is an orange pike cichlid, Crenicichla xingu I. I certainly want to move the other fish out of there, I want to put them in a new 180 or 150 whenever I get another aquarium. Got some legal estate stuff to work out first, who knows when that will be finalized.