Catfish Bonanza


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
malawi haps;1249005; said:
Sorry to hear about you car good to see you back While you were gone I got a rtc and rtc/tsn hybrid all around 4" currently .The hybrid does the wierdest thing I think he thinks he is a lima he spends most of his day vertical with nose down up against a rock???
that's the tsn in him, they do it from time to time also. Very rare behavior, but I've seen mine do it on ocassion. My hybrid I can't speak for he doesn't have deep enough water to sit verticle. his water depth is 24", and he's 36" so doesn't work to well!!

malawi haps

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 20, 2007
south carolina
Ill have to get a pic of it . So Ive been iching to ask you I also have the tsn .I can get a 6 foot diameter plastic water storage container that is 40 in tall for $289.I was going to cut it at 35 so I can fit it through the basement door and use the top for a lid( hinged) how long do you personally think I can house them in their for?? I am not power feeding nore care at what rate they grow just planning on trying to keep them comfortible. I also have my eye on a 1000 gallon storage container of same height but 8 foot in diameter if the small one works out I will eventually go for the big one ( if I can talk the wife in to it ) If not it will go in my shop 30'x60'.


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
are you just housing the TSN? Filtration is the key for any size tank. The massively filtered it is the longer you can house it. It could live in there up to 4' in size so long as you have it properly filtered for the amount of waste a fish that size would produce. Somewhere there is a calculator for how much filtration you would need for the biomass(wieght of live fish) of your tank. Bigger is better for the filtration, but you will also need to do massive regular water changes as he gets larger. I have a 3' hybrid in a 6' dia cattle trough, and it works great, but I find as he grows I have to change the water more and more often to keep nitrates low. I do about a 40% water change every 5 days right now. It's amazing how fast the water gets dirty with a 3' fish.

malawi haps

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 20, 2007
south carolina
I was concidering keeping all three of them in their the filtration is via a 150 gal rubbermaid container with 3 bio towers filled to the teeth with bio balls and a carbon pad in the top one to catch particles . In side the tank their will be a 1750 gph pump moving the water around in a circular motion to collect the waste in the middle for easier w/c's.


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
malawi haps;1251425; said:
I was concidering keeping all three of them in their the filtration is via a 150 gal rubbermaid container with 3 bio towers filled to the teeth with bio balls and a carbon pad in the top one to catch particles . In side the tank their will be a 1750 gph pump moving the water around in a circular motion to collect the waste in the middle for easier w/c's.
The circular moving water definitely works really good. The debris will always settle in the center unless you have decorations or rocks in there then they will settle in the center and build up behind everything else. bare bottom is probably best so that they do not establish territories and will not fight as much. My hybrids were fighting alot when I had tons of decoration in there. They would rip each others fins, and I am having the same problems with the fish in my big pond right now. All of the decorations will have to go. Only problem with this is it makes the fish more skittish. So yeah you kinda have to balance the two.

malawi haps

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 20, 2007
south carolina
Well if I get your stamp of approval I am going for it .Like I said b4 the tsn is 4 in the hybrid is also 4in and the rtc is 3.5 in .I hope this would house them for at least 4 years so I can get the wife attached to them in order to get the the hall pass for the big tank!!!


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
Hmmm, I am not sure you could keep all three in a tank that size for 4 years. They would probably all be 30"to40" by that time. It would be kinda crowded. They could definitely fit, but swimming space would be limited. If you cut it tall as possible then you should be ok, but expect them to squabble more and more as they grow bigger and bigger. Catfish tend to tear each others fins in territorial disputes. Or at least all the big pims that I have owned do. It might work, but I'd say more like 3 years 4 is pushing it, but it might work. You would definitely have to hook some major filtration for those bad boys though. You could start off with smaller filtration like I did and slowly increase it or you will start to see ammonia spikes as they grow, they will outgrow the biofilters, and they will need to get larger and larger with the fish. I'd say you need about at least 20 gals of biomaterial per 36" fish. That's not the size of the filter that's just the bacterial housing materials. Adding sand and rocks will increase the capacity also, just remember that rocks should be large enough not to be swallowed within the timeframe they are in the tank. I go with rocks that are 8" in dia or larger, and playsand or pool filter sand. The two mixed looks really cool and natural. the 150 gal tub would work good for a filter just look in the diy section at some of the home made filters. I'd set aside 60 gals of wetdry area for those fish. For my big tank I am trying to go somewhere between 500-600 gals capacity for the filter alone. To include 250-300 gals of pot scrubbers.

malawi haps

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 20, 2007
south carolina
Thanks for the input .I may decide to just keep 1 or 2 of them out of the three If I could only keep one it would be the hybrid if two the red tail and the hybrid .Too tough of a decision to make at the moment.


Catfish God
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
Here's a few pics of my MRTC, and my smallest TSN. I will try to post some pics of everyone else later if I get time. He's grown from 4" to 13" in 5 months. Sounds like good growth but is kinda slow compared to my other cats. Some of the pics are from about a month ago, and the new ones are of him hiding, and with the red gravel

seaworld yaya 014.jpg

seaworld yaya 015.jpg

seaworld yaya 099.jpg

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seaworld yaya 192.jpg