Catfish won't eat

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
This fish rarly moves, and when she does - it looks like shes on her last day or so. She can barly swim, almost looks like shes been injured. Shes basicly hyperventilating right now - her breathing is so fast and hard.
My lancer was doing the same thing, even with two air pumps and three air stones, until I lowered the temperature to 76F
Her breathing has slowed down a bit now after a waterchange monday night to remove some of the salt from the ich treatment. I also noticed my water softener wasnt set right, thus causing my ph to rise. Im hoping this was the cause of heavy breathing. Still cant get her to eat, hopfuly she will soon - its been over a month now.
I'd treat with prazi pro as a precaution of IP's and also target feed live worms. Fill up the one that's eating until he won't take anymore food, then target the non-feeding cat.
I adjusted the water softener wednesday night and added some new water this morning before work to slowly start bringing down the Ph. Everytime I attempt to feed skinny cat she has zero intrest in any food item, and fat cat just eats everything. I wait till shes had her fill then toss in another few peices to skinny cat and the fat one comes for a second helping.
If I try earth worms, can i use the ones I dig out of my lawn/garden? How do you properly clean them before feeding to your fish? Im sure youtube has tons of videos, but its always good to get the first hand advice.