You know, as long as a person has the room for them and can meet their dietary needs, I think they make ideal pets. In the three years we have had ours, there have been several "tank disasters" (mostly power outage-related...) that, sadly, killed off one or more Tanganyikan cichids which we have raised for as long as him and depsite all that, he still thrives and does great. Doesn't fight or try to eat other fish, is very personable and entertaining and is a simple fish to care for, in my opinion.
Thanks again. I appreciate your concern.I would never keep a mbu, I do not have the room for a 500+g tank & all the filtration needed to keep the parameters where they should be. I do presently keep 8 tanks, many of which have fish over 20 years old & my fahaka puffer is ~12 years old now. I also run The Puffer Forum, so I have access to the top expert, long-term pufferkeepers in the world there.
Our Mentor, Robert T Ricketts, had his 26" mbu jump out. He & his wife were devastated. It was a long-term member of their family.