Channa andrao cloudy eye


MFK Member
Oct 24, 2017
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
If yes, what is your nitrite?
If yes, what is your nitrate?
If I did not test my water...
...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every week
If I do not change my water...
...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
Can someone explain the cause for these cloudy eyes on my channa andrao ? 50 gallon paludarium. Ammonia 0, nitrate 0, chlorine 0. pH 8.3 temp 70f. 1.5 gallon auto water change daily. other then cloudy eyes they are otherwise healthy, actively eating and alert and showing good colors. I feed of ar-g1 small size pellet and salmon from time to time. These guys are generation 3 and I notice they tend to not have cloudy eyes when they're juveniles. Only when they grow larger they get cloudy eyes. Out of about 20, 3 has cloudy eyes. I also keep silver flying fox fish in the same tank and they never have this cloudy eyes symptom. Everything seems healthy. I'm at a loss. Can 8.3 pH cause this ? I have also read they don't like water changes. What is the reason for this ? Is it because water change causes pH fluctuation ?

In regards to pH, when a certain type of fish prefers lower pH, in this case channa andrao, is it lower pH they like or lower tds ? Reason I ask is because my filtered tap water is actually 8.3 ph. CO2 injection lowers it to 7.6 but I do have to keep CO2 reactor on all the time. another way lower pH is I can mix tap water with rodi water thereby lowering TDS and thus lowering pH in a more permanent way. In some forums I read pH fluctuation due to CO2 injection does not affect fish, and that it's actually fluctuating TDS that affects them. If this is true, then lowering pH via CO2 won't have any benefits for andraos ? So lowering pH must be done by either adding tannins (peat) or mixing partial rodi water ?

Lastly, should I use melafix or kanaplex for cloudy eyes ?

Thank you very much for any input. Appreciate it.

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