Channa asiatica 'red spot'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I still believe specimen 2 looks male; Specimen 1´s head looks female in 3 pics and male in one (the 3rd, but may be because of the angle)
Can´t help more than this...
Thanks Joao, i posted the pics on a group in FB and was told that top pics were not needed at all :duh:\
But it was anyway identified as
Specimen 1 - female
Specimen 2 - possible male


Keeping them partitioned, no aggression so far.
An update if anyone is interested :).

Seems like i may have a possible pair



Fingers crossed :)
Looks like it.
An update if anyone is interested :).

Everybody is interested!

Looks like it might be a pair. Let´s hope they stay tunned.

I say this because my pair of aurantis, after several months, seems to be going through a divorce. We never know what to expect with this species
Everybody is interested!

Looks like it might be a pair. Let´s hope they stay tunned.

I say this because my pair of aurantis, after several months, seems to be going through a divorce. We never know what to expect with this species

Thanks :), hopefully! I think their bond is quite strong, if there's such a thing. Reason is as they were seperated, different tanks altogether, so no sight or smell of each other, yet they still stuck together. I bought them in a week's interval i think, maybe slightly less.

Anyway, a better pic :).

Channa asiatica red spot by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

Channa asiatica red spot by Aristoheliam, on Flickr

I hope all goes well with your aurantis, maybe divide them till they calm down. Hopefully my asiaticas don't go through any fights, they can be scary :o.