Channa mariolides

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MFK Member
Oct 29, 2005

I have just bought a C. mariloides and is wondering if anybody got any info or experience of this fish? And how many can I have in a 110 gallon tank?

Thankfull for answers!

HI erik! Welcome to the best forum in the world! I foudn this link about channas, and it includes the fish you are asking about. It seems that a 65cm fish (25.4 inches) may outgrow your 110 gallon tank, depending on the dimensions of the fish tank. It might get crowded if your put more than one, and will most definitely be not enough if you get your fish to live to the fullest. I know you will enjoy your new fish because they are the best aquarium fish there is. My favorites are the dwarf channas. :)

_erik_ said:

I have just bought a C. mariloides and is wondering if anybody got any info or experience of this fish? And how many can I have in a 110 gallon tank?

Thankfull for answers!

Welcome Erik, and finally another swedish dude here :)

how big is your snakehead?
cool fish sorry i dont know what species it is
_erik_ said:
Okay, thanks for the info! But my snakehead doesn´t look like the ones at the pictures at all... Here´s a link to mine:

Sorry for the swedish text underneath but it was my girlfriend that posted the pic and she didn´t knew that it is an american forum...


Looks like a Channa marulia or Channa marulioides
here is some pics of Channa marulia:
heres some at adult Channa marulioides:

Okay, well I really hope that it isn´t C. marulia... Because it gets so very big. Judging on the small "bumps" on the marulioides head. I would say that it is an marulioides... But i´m not sure... Please come with more opinions!

Sorry for the poor quality of the pic, but my camera really sucks...

channas change colors.

it doesnt look like mine, but my first impression was a channa marulius, due to the spot on the tail. mine is more olive drab, has bumps nd the big nostrils too.

i'm going for the channa marulius aka what the thais call the cobra snakehead.