• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
you would need to do a pcr test with primers made for each species that looks like it. With that we could test which species it is. Or which it closely resembles.
But that would be hard since i dont think channa genomes are so explored.

i find it so weird since it def look like most dwarfsnakeheads and not the bigger ones. but then its a freaking giant, who as you said would make it to 50cm... amazing species whatever it is
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Hope everyone is doing well. I'm a snakehead keeper from Bangladesh and this species I got is possibly a new species of snakehead. this one is around 11.5inches at the moment but the locals told me that sometimes 20inch sized ones are found as well. Let me know what you guys think.
View attachment 1492571

View attachment 1492572

new species from the gachua complex perhaps?
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you would need to do a pcr test with primers made for each species that looks like it. With that we could test which species it is. Or which it closely resembles.
But that would be hard since i dont think channa genomes are so explored.

i find it so weird since it def look like most dwarfsnakeheads and not the bigger ones. but then its a freaking giant, who as you said would make it to 50cm... amazing species whatever it is
Yeah thats true. Ikr. I had a few more of these species including another one which was about 13inches all of which I released back into their habitat due to space problems. That one had like a bright red line across its back.

new species from the gachua complex perhaps?
Possible tbh. Many of the features are very unique in this one. For example check out the fins in the pictures attached below. It has like bright blue in between the fins. Also the head shape is alot like a barca imo (3rd picture).

NEW CHANNA (3).jpg

NEW CHANNA (2).jpg

NEW CHANNA (10).jpg
No info about channa limbata?
Want gachua but no available nearby me.
Closer relative, limbata.

Serach this post but 0 found about limbata.
Can share info about limbata?