• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Chinese Perch

Mine has been in a funky mood the past several days.It hasn't eaten anything damned near since I switched up a little and gave it a few pieces of thawed smelts.It took a few slices of tilapia the next day but I had to hold the food in my fingers and really wave it in front of the perch's mouth.It almost acts as if it can't see or smell the food.
Before feeding it the smelt it was a pig,it would snap up food as soon as it would hit the surface.I have no idea what is wrong but I sure hope it snaps out of it soon.
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Edit....it does not even hang out at the surface the way that it used to.It looks normal but now it simply hovers around just above the gravel.
how goes your perch?
It seems okay but it's appetite is nothing near what it was and it now spends it's time on the bottom rather than hang out at the top greedily waiting for food as it used to do.
It seems okay but it's appetite is nothing near what it was and it now spends it's time on the bottom rather than hang out at the top greedily waiting for food as it used to do.
Throw in some live guppies or ghost shrimp, sometimes they just need a change,something exciting to eat
Throw in some live guppies or ghost shrimp, sometimes they just need a change,something exciting to eat
That's an idea but with four greedy dats and my afer knife always prowling about I'm afraid the perch wouldn't get much if any of those morsels.