Cichlasoma sp. 'Esmeraldas Gold'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I am sad to say that my male has passed.
As I stated before, I thought he had recovered from his internal parasites.
Since I got him, his belly was always a little thin but he'd still eat, swim around, and spawn...
After a few weeks of treatment for his first fight with the parasites he was back to normal, but when I removed the female he would just hide. Even then he'd still come out to eat or attack at me, but thursday this week I found him motionless in his cave, clamped fins, short breathing, twitching. and a super sunken belly.
days before that he was fine, eating and everything, now he wouldn't eat.
yesterday he had the same symptoms, but every once and awhile he'd twitch and then sqim forward, then just drift to the bottom again...
This morning I found him upside down lying against the back of the tank.
I don't think I'll get a male for my female. She's fine to keep as a pet, not a breeder. She's fine, recovered, plump and happy.
I am sad to say that my male has passed.
As I stated before, I thought he had recovered from his internal parasites.
Since I got him, his belly was always a little thin but he'd still eat, swim around, and spawn...
After a few weeks of treatment for his first fight with the parasites he was back to normal, but when I removed the female he would just hide. Even then he'd still come out to eat or attack at me, but thursday this week I found him motionless in his cave, clamped fins, short breathing, twitching. and a super sunken belly.
days before that he was fine, eating and everything, now he wouldn't eat.
yesterday he had the same symptoms, but every once and awhile he'd twitch and then sqim forward, then just drift to the bottom again...
This morning I found him upside down lying against the back of the tank.
I don't think I'll get a male for my female. She's fine to keep as a pet, not a breeder. She's fine, recovered, plump and happy.
Sorry to hear that, glad the female seems healthy.
I lost a breeder female Apistogramma this week, sucks man.
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Thanks man. Sorry for your loss too. I'm going to be getting some tetras for my female's tank just for dithers, she's still pretty shy, but comes out when she sees that I have her favorite spirulina brine shrimp :D
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Here's my female and her tank.




Kinda messy, I just fed her.
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here we are, 1 year later
she's still growing... selling her to a friend soon.

Screenshot 2018-09-30 at 3.25.53 PM.png Screenshot 2018-09-30 at 3.26.30 PM.png

who knows? maybe she is a new species?
Ryans don't look like any other cichlasoma, and mine got a pineapple type pattern with black outlining her scales.
are you still breeding yours?
They still spawn but I haven’t pulled any to raise. I raised out a group of fry to keep from their first spawn which are just about adult now.
any pictures of the batch you kept?
well it's been nearly 3 years since I got my female, she's still going relatively strong, the person who wanted to buy her turned out to be a not so good person, and I grew too attached to sell her
she's got her own 29 now, but she doesn't really do much
she's grown quite big (about 5 inches) and has a nice patterning/coloration.
very skittish, and she dug a pit under a piece of driftwood surrounded by some rocks. she spends most of her time there.
I want to try getting some dither fish to see if that'll help bring her out a bit.
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