They were about 2" when I first caught them back in April
The largest is about 8" now,
And I doubt they have reached full potencial yet, I expect them at max out aound 12".TL
Especially in a tank with no predators, (except for their own nasty disposition) and given regular meals
I had heard of collecters throwing them back when netted......, just not attractive enough for any mass appeal,
of couse for me, appeal has little to do with flash, or cuteness, but instead, it is in the bahaviour and natural quirkiness.
On the way back, we stopped for lunch at a restaurant run by the Madrugadi, indigionus people who once lived on what is now the floor of the articial lake.
They were moved out to the rim when the lake was created to provide extra water and power for the Panama Canal in case of drought, and now live of the lakes outer rim.
Many oif the women dress in colorful traditional clothing simlar to the garb, below.
Lake Bayano
In the lake proper (according to some locals) Tilapines dominate, and have pushed endemic cichlids out, and into the rivers.
When casting in the lake, all I caught were Tilapias.