Collection of Articles and advice to help us keep our herps

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Ok, if you guys are familiar with my water turtle enclosure pointers, you know then that I really like to push for Rubbermaid tubs and Stock Tanks used for horses and cattle. These make great aquatic turtle enclosures because they are very inexpensive (at least the tubs are) and are light and easy to clean. I take mine outside once a month to scrub and hose out. They also don't have the sharp 90˚ corners of aquariums. You can buy a smaller style ones when you have a baby turtle and adjust the size as your turtle grows.

At the moment I'm keeping my Stinkpot Musk Turtle in a transparent tub so I can see him from the side better. Some turtles don't do well when they can see out and will bump the sides trying to swim out. If your turtle doesn't get use to this after a week or so, buy a solid color tub instead.

The 40 gallon tub I bought cost me $9.00 bucks at Walmart which is much more reasonable price then an aquarium of that size. I have a few rocks and plants for him to climb on and a small cave for him to hide in. I have a basking spot for him but he never uses it. Still unless you have a species that isn't a basker like a Mata Mata or Alligator Snapper, you should provide a place for your turtle to get completely dry and bask. I keep the tub about 3/4 filled and I'm running a Rena FilStar XP1 Canister Filter. To keep the water warm I run a submergible Stealth Heater. Just be careful that the heater is not touching the sides or bottom of the tub otherwise you may melt a hole through it! I have a UVB basking light in the one corner. If you have a turtle that is a basking species, I highly recommend a light that gives off a full spectrum. UVB is very important to these types of turtles because they spend large parts of their days out of the water in natural sunlight.

Here is my set up for my 2.5 inch long juvenile [SIZE=-1]Sternotherus odoratus. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]This setup might not work for all aquatic species, but it can give you some ideas. Hope this helps!




Davo, here are some pics of what it looks like from the side looking into the clear rubbermaid tubs. They're not glass but you can still see in pretty good and I don't have the best lighting either. I really should have cleaned off the algae before these pics were taken. Opps.



Ok got the rest of this stuff I needed to complete the cage side of the filtration . I thought my hinges would not be in till thurs turns out they should be here tomorrow!! So in lite of that I went ahead and finished the bottom river bed rock work. Hopefully I can get the hinges tomorrow and get them installed and get dimensions for the glass. As soon as I have that and get the dimensions to the glass shop I should have the glass within 24 hours. Here are a few teaser pics enjoy!!!!



Update!! FINNALY got my hinges:headbang2 They are installed and mesurements taken .I will place order for doors on mon . Almost done :headbang2


Ok got a lot done today till a rain storm came and my wife made me come inside (metal buildings and lightnining dont mix).Got the glass doors installed on the tank and finished the stain on the bottom .Also got the bottom door locks finished .I put velcro pieces on the backside of the lock so it would not scratch up the glass .Then since the bottom is acryllic I went to the hardware store and got some fastiners and some rubber washers.I marked the proper location as to where the locks would hold the doors in place when locked and would allow the doors to swing when unlocked.Drilled holes and installed.I also decided to start cleaning the tank I blew it out with compressed air and shopvaced the bottom to get any foreign objects out b4 water testing.I also installed magnetic door holds to the hinged part of the light hood.test fitted it and all lines up great.After dinned if this storm blows by I will go back out and fitter up to test for water leaks:naughty:






deacon;1350090; said:
man that looks awsome , good job .

Well I finnaly got my upper catches in today got them installed and moved this bahemouth inside .It barley fit through the door!! I also went out and got some greenery and started to scape it .I have 3 60 watt bulbs in it at the moment .I will be going out to get the correct bulbs tomorrow and some more green!!! Enjoy



Ok update I got a few things to finish the terrerium today one was a thermometer/humidity guage I put in the top left corner glass mounted.I figured if the farthest place from water is the proper humidity the rest of the cage is as well. I also got a thermometer with a probe in the lower left corner so I can monitor temp gradient from the top and bottom of the cage .I will still need to play with bulb wattages to get it perfect but that will come a little later. I also added some more greenery to the cage to break up some lines and give some depth to the space. I still need to find a cork bark tube for the lower right of the cage but that is proving a little difficult .A little searching and I feel I will come up with a few.One of the last things I will do right after getting the lizards in here is hook up the filtration system for the water.It is currently hooked up to the 300 gallon to get enough bacteria in the system to rapidly breakdown waste and keep the water clean. I also got some reptile carpet to put inside the upper right hide due to it being rough cement .I am also tossing around the thought of putting some kind of moss on top of the hide so it looks more natural but I dont want them to knock it off in to the water and clog up the filter.Enjoy:naughty:


Thank you snakedog. I just built some shelves for my reptile tanks and enclosures. Here are some updated shots of the turtle tubs new location.



davo;1404413; said:
before I noticed the weeds I thought it was just algae and it had gone to town on your tub! Nice job on the shelving, looks nice like that.

Yeah, I have tons of Anacharis growing in there. But you'll love this Davo. I put my pleco that I've been keeping with my Jaguar Cichlid in there yesterday. The little bugger has been harassing my Jag at night if you can believe that. Well I woke up this morning and he went to town eating most of the algae I have growing in there. But what I found out is that those little buggers really are poop machines. You can't miss it in a bare bottom tub! :irked:
Ok just got finished with the egg laying/hide box .I got a rubbermaid 15 qt storage container and some silk plants . The main purpose for this is a place for the female to lay her eggs so I cut a 2-1/2 " hole close to the top so I could fill the box up with a deep layer of coco mix and she could dig around and not throw much out of it.I then hot glued the silk plants to the top and 2 sides of the box that will be seen as to make it look more pleasing while it is in the tank. Pretty simple really:D





