Compilation of DIY plywood tanks (Load Warning)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey this thread is amazing!

Does anyone know of a 10-12 foot tank without a wooden support obstructing the view in the middle that was successful? Is this possible?

I’m trying to build a wall tank but would like to avoid the wood up the center in lieu of support above and below the viewing glass (as you can hear I’m not exactly handy, my good friends are though).

Thanks in advance!
Hey this thread is amazing!

Does anyone know of a 10-12 foot tank without a wooden support obstructing the view in the middle that was successful? Is this possible?

I’m trying to build a wall tank but would like to avoid the wood up the center in lieu of support above and below the viewing glass (as you can hear I’m not exactly handy, my good friends are though).

Thanks in advance!

If you fiber glassed it and braced it properly I think you could get away with it. I'd brace it similar to AlexGs over on R2R. Going to start my plywood reef next year.
ok so I'm new here. I've got several tanks currently and have repaired several throughout the years. I came to this site based off of researching a plywood aquarium because what I want for dimensions i cant purchase. that being said i also have a wonderful wife whom i love dearly that wants it to be a beautiful feature(cant blame her but I only have so many tools). I'm curious if anyone has repurposed a China hutch or large curio cabinet into an aquarium?

Now that your done laughing at the new guy... if a guy were to so the glass right (front first and then sides for support and plywood back) why wouldnt it work?

I understand that cleaning it will be a pain due to height however that's not a real concern for me. My concern is can it be done? If not why not?Screenshot_20181218-154654_CPlus for Craigslist.jpg
Stubby, I worked over 40 years in engineering, and I would not advise you to attempt this at all.

It's not rocket science, but it's real easy to make a fatal error on these things.

I started to show you some math on the structure, but it really doesn't matter because it's such a poor functional idea.

Really tall skinny aquariums are a very bad idea for many reasons, and I say this having owned some that are only moderately tall and skinny.
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I'll throw my 500+ gallon in the mix. It was up for over 6 years and when we tore it down due to moving the wood looked like it was brand new.

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