I have an interesting story to share... I got my first Tigerfish from Vince's (this is the only place where I saw a freshwater Bullshark for sale)in the San Gabriel Valley (S. Cali) off Valley blvd x San Gabriel blvd in the mid 80's. Saved for almost a year before I could afford it(was in Jr. High then). They had 3 for sale, the smallest one was going for $750 and the other two were $950 and $1500. By the time I was ready for the small one... they had sold him a week earlier. Luckily my mom was willing to pay the difference so I was able to buy the next size up. The tigerfish(8 inches) survived for about 2 months before my Mala decided to taste test him. Costly mistake back then.
Back in the days.. it was only 'Tigerfish'.. that's it.. no TATF, VATF, GATF etc..just Tigerfish! haha It would be years before I buy another VATF. This time around.. I think it was 1992-93.... I bought my 2nd Tigerfish from Sam of Cathy's in Alhambra CA. The tigerfish was barely 2.5 inches and I had to feed her baby guppies for almost 2 weeks before she could take normal sized guppies. Started her in a 20 gallon tank... 2 months later.. 100 gallon tank. A few months after that I got her a 180... then I upgraded to an 800 gallon tank. Almost destroyed my sister's house trying to bring that tank in.
(tore a big hole in her wall) And we had 10 guys helping out! Had this girl for 3 years and got her to over 24 inches before I lost her in a move. Bummer!
I braved the waters again a few years later but lost interest quickly because my hobby was beginning to feel like a job and gave up ATF fish keeping for 17 whole years! When I got back into this wonderful hobby (1 year ago) and my second purchase was a group of 10 VATFs. They are all alive and well! One of my goals is to grow these guys out to at least 24 inches...
would be an awesome looking pack, wouldn't you all agree?! In case anyone was wondering...My first purchase after my 17 year hiatus was an Aimara!