Considering a Tropical Pond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Duncan6618;4447693; said:
Yeah, If nothing else I can put some big potted plants on it. It's super rigid, doesn't budge when I jump on it.

This past winter pretty much convinced me to give up on trying to keep tropicals. So probably koi and some albino channel cats. and maybe some other natives. I thought striped bass would be cool but I don't know how aggressive they are towards each other or other fish. I thought I might try a sturgeon but not sure if it could take the summers though.

:cry: trops would be so cool
I spent all day yesterday trying to get all the leaves and muck out. Still have a ways to go, it's almost 3 feet deep on the deep end :eek:

We're supposed to get tons of rain the next few days from Tropical Storm Hermine so I probably won't be able to get much done this week.
This has been a tough month to get much done since it has rained almost every day but the tree guys were finallly able to come out and cut down the oaks that were over the pool. And I was able to get the new equipment pad finished. I can't believe I completely forgot that I had two 5' tall canister filters that have been stored away in my shed for years. So I have them filled with bioballs (35 gallons of them). The pool guy is supposed to be out tomorrow and start installing a new pump, larger sand filter and a new pool light (LED light with multiple colors,should be cool). So the new filtration will be run by a 2hp dual speed pump on a speed timer so I can run it on low speed most of the time. Then a sand filter and then through my two canister filters. Then the output will be split 3 ways to run the bog filter, circulation, and one to the old Polaris line to run a fountain for aeration.

Here's a pic of my handy work with the canisters...


Hopefully, if the plaster guys can fit it in the pool will get replastered late this week and then I'll have something with water in it :).
Have you started on the bog yet?
Some good progress has been made. I cleaned all the muck out of the pool.


Then the plaster guys came out on Saturday and prepped the pool for new plaster with a bond coat. Tomorrow they should finish the plaster and begin filling the pool.


I have almost finished the retaining wall to make a level area where the bog filters will go. Just need to finish back filling it. Moved 3 yards of base today and I need about 4 more yards ugh!


We're also having the guys who are going to rebuild the pool deck enclose our back porch with screen. They should be done with it tomorrow and then start on the pool deck. Our dogs are very confused by all of this.

The plan is that it will stay clean enough to swim in. So it will still be a swimming pool except we'll get to swim with the fishes. Hopefully it all works out that way.

The guys just finished the new plaster. The medium grey plaster is supposed to give a "mediterranean blue" color once the pool is filled. I'm supposed to start filling it in just a little while, it'll take a few days to get it filled.
