Creating natural, functional cichlid display tanks


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
Not got that far yet.
I do have a standard 75 that I plan on setting up a few tempory biotopes in.
It will be an enjoyable project for me personally. I would also like to try and convince people that you don't need huge tanks to create an interesting display that looks to scale.
I also live with the futile hope that more people will realise what fits a 75,can still be interesting and impressive.
Guapotes, amphs, Ecuadorian terrors and Oscars plus many other tank busters have no place in a 75.
I am hoping to shine a light on those that do. As I said, probably futile but I'm going to have fun trying.[/Q

Will be interested to see what you come up with. Eventually we will be moving house this year and will be looking for inspiration for a new set up for my 120G .
My wife would prefer I spent more time thinking about a new house not new fish tank set up so I have sympathy for your bathroom issues.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
Not got that far yet.
I do have a standard 75 that I plan on setting up a few tempory biotopes in.
It will be an enjoyable project for me personally. I would also like to try and convince people that you don't need huge tanks to create an interesting display that looks to scale.
I also live with the futile hope that more people will realise what fits a 75,can still be interesting and impressive.
Guapotes, amphs, Ecuadorian terrors and Oscars plus many other tank busters have no place in a 75.
I am hoping to shine a light on those that do. As I said, probably futile but I'm going to have fun trying.[/Q

Will be interested to see what you come up with. Eventually we will be moving house this year and will be looking for inspiration for a new set up for my 120G .
My wife would prefer I spent more time thinking about a new house not new fish tank set up so I have sympathy for your bathroom issues.
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Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 26, 2015
I looked up the transvestitus- what a gorgeous cichlid!! The only thing I would be concerned about is it looks like they require a very low pH. Mine is around 7.4. My KH3 and GH 5. The discus do fine as well as all the other soft-water species I have, but Im wondering if these little guys would struggle in such a low pH 4-7 is what it says is required on Seriously Fish. If it could work... I think Ive found my cichlid to go with the African tetras in my future build. Im thinking that may be all I add in this tank.
The only other fish that interests me is the African Butterfly fish- but I dont have any idea of its temperament, needs, whether it would be appropriate.etc... haven't really read up on it yet.
Sorry Amy I missed this post somehow.
Like I said, I have never had any hands on experience with nannochromis Transvestitus. I have an old book titled the nature aquarium, by satoshi yoshino and published by tfh publications.
The author describes a west African tank he has set up for these fish.
They are housed with barbus callipterus and aplocheilichthys normani .
The planting is nymphaea lotus green, bolbitis, crinum natans and nymphaea lotus red.
He keeps them in a pH of 7.0 and total hardness of 10°DH.
This is really as much as I have read about them.
I will try to take some pictures from the book with his tank stats.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Sep 26, 2015
oh wow! That's a beautiful setup. Thanks for the info. Im going to look for that book on Amazon .
Yes generally speaking it's a good book.
It has several set ups for different parts of the world.
Some of the fish names are a little out of date but its still a good read.
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