cuvier's dwarf caiman


MFK Member
Jan 2, 2008
Yonkers, NY
stonecat;1605616; said:
These guys need a large area, Just because they have dwarf in the name dosent mean they are small, Just are smaller than the other caimans. I wouldnt uses any glass they will break it. They do reach 6ft and weigh maybe 100lbs or more. Also these animals are costly to feed properly. They do need a variety of foods not just feeder goldfish. Also lighting will be an issue. Heat as well, water temps 85 or better and land temps about the same with basking spots around 95 to 100F. They do spend time in the water in capitivity, In the wild they use the water at night. They also are not the nicest of crocs. they have a tendency to be flighty and not real handleable. Males become territoral when the reach mature size. Just some thing to think about.
i would assume 6 ft is max size in the wild and we all know it wont reach its max potential size in captivity. But everything else i agree


As seen on TV
MFK Member
Aug 22, 2005
South FL
haloman02;1605835; said:
i would assume 6 ft is max size in the wild and we all know it wont reach its max potential size in captivity. But everything else i agree

That is about as true as a fish all grows to the size of it's tank. These things get 5+ feet all the time. If it doesn't get 'full grown', the keeper screwed up somewhere along the line.