davo Aimara MFK Member Jan 9, 2006 17,531 40 132 England Feb 6, 2007 #11 looks like you coloured them in!
Nic Peacock Bass MFK Member Oct 8, 2005 15,790 14 119 outside philly Feb 6, 2007 #12 nice thanks for posting
Taz2478 Fire Eel MFK Member Oct 10, 2005 3,266 25 68 not where I'm supposed to be Feb 12, 2007 #13 nice but it does look like you drew and colored em... so there's 5 and 3 can come from different areas.
nice but it does look like you drew and colored em... so there's 5 and 3 can come from different areas.
S soulFish Blue Tier VIP MFK Member Jan 14, 2007 1,097 6 343 Tampa, FL Feb 12, 2007 #14 I once saw a tail and body stripe ID chart for the Dats, can someone post it to this thread? I tried searching for it, but no luck. It was a black and white ID chart if it helps.
I once saw a tail and body stripe ID chart for the Dats, can someone post it to this thread? I tried searching for it, but no luck. It was a black and white ID chart if it helps.
A AquataHolic420 Fire Eel MFK Member Sep 20, 2006 3,964 3 68 39 Neeeew Hampshaaa Feb 12, 2007 #15 here you go.. search DATNOID forums!
S soulFish Blue Tier VIP MFK Member Jan 14, 2007 1,097 6 343 Tampa, FL Feb 12, 2007 #16 awesome 420, thats the one!
A AquataHolic420 Fire Eel MFK Member Sep 20, 2006 3,964 3 68 39 Neeeew Hampshaaa Feb 12, 2007 #17 no prob, so what Dat u get? the chart help u ID?
P PufferXtreme Feeder Fish MFK Member Jan 28, 2006 761 5 0 UK Feb 12, 2007 #18 can someone make this a sticky? It would be useful for prospective dat owners!
S soulFish Blue Tier VIP MFK Member Jan 14, 2007 1,097 6 343 Tampa, FL Feb 12, 2007 #19 Looks like a Siamese Tiger
J Jesse Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 30, 2005 1,123 1 0 55 Feb 12, 2007 #20 Someone looking for this? ST = Datnioides pulcher, aka "widebar datnoid" IT = Datnioides microlepis, aka "Indonesian datnoid" NTT = Datnioides undecimradiatus, aka "thinbar datnoid" NGT = Datnioides campbelli, aka "New Guinea datnoid" AT = Datnioides polota, formerly D. quadrifasciatus, aka "silver datnoid" Reactions: BigShawn
Someone looking for this? ST = Datnioides pulcher, aka "widebar datnoid" IT = Datnioides microlepis, aka "Indonesian datnoid" NTT = Datnioides undecimradiatus, aka "thinbar datnoid" NGT = Datnioides campbelli, aka "New Guinea datnoid" AT = Datnioides polota, formerly D. quadrifasciatus, aka "silver datnoid"