Datnoid ID chart

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I was sure there was another Dat that is or could go brackish, perhaps the NGT!
Oh sorry its been a long day I thought you wrote besides NGT :screwy:
I'm somewhat new to datnoids, so excuse my asking, but can someone give me an approximate size list to each one?

I was looking on different sites, and they were mixing up the datnoids terribly. Two sites had different names for D. microlepis. One site said approximately 12 inches, and the other said 18 inches.

I'm trying to gather as much knowledge as possible as I intend on setting up a tank for a small community of datnoids, preferably the ones that don't grow as large as others.

Thanks in advance!

ST - 24"
IT - 18"
NGT - 14"
NTT - 12"
AT - 12"

You can assume your dats wont pass those sizes. But of course there are always those freaks of nature that will grow larger then the average max size. I heard a story a 30" ST being caught, and then there is the, often talked about, never seen 16"NTT.
Old thread - highly commented on but I'll throw my two cents to the wind anyways.

The best thing about this chart (besides the obvious helpful nature) is the facial expressions of the fish.
I know it is said that the ST is the rarest to buy. Well for those interested, That Pet Place has some for sale and I purchased two. I did it hoping these were the brackish species and couldn't remember before I placed the order. According to the data posted here, they are not brackish. But this is their description of the fish. From the picture references, the two I have definately look like the ST and I'll post some pics tonight.

Here is what they said about the fish:

Siamese Tiger Datnoid - Medium

The Tiger Datnoid, also called the Siamese Tigerfish, is a cream to gray fish with black vertical bands. The number of stripes varies depending on the area from which a particular fish originates. The stripes extend to the dorsal, ventral and anal fins, and the front of the dorsal fin is equipped with a number of sharp spines that are easily caught in nets. The tail and pectoral fins are transparent.

The Tiger Datnoid is a large predatory fish, and should be provided with a brackish water tank that is at least 75 to 100 gallons. It should not be kept with any small or docile fish, as these will be eaten or harassed to death. Ap[ropriate tankmates include scats, puffers, monos and other hardy brackish water fish.

Ok this is some BULL and I guess I need to wait until I get home to take pics. But I read more Details about the fish I purchased and it says they are D. Microlepis. But OMG, can they also be NTT's. I'll post later, hope I get some true ID.
Tanyoberu;1988887; said:
I know it is said that the ST is the rarest to buy. Well for those interested, That Pet Place has some for sale and I purchased two. I did it hoping these were the brackish species and couldn't remember before I placed the order. According to the data posted here, they are not brackish. But this is their description of the fish. From the picture references, the two I have definately look like the ST and I'll post some pics tonight.

Here is what they said about the fish:

Siamese Tiger Datnoid - Medium

The Tiger Datnoid, also called the Siamese Tigerfish, is a cream to gray fish with black vertical bands. The number of stripes varies depending on the area from which a particular fish originates. The stripes extend to the dorsal, ventral and anal fins, and the front of the dorsal fin is equipped with a number of sharp spines that are easily caught in nets. The tail and pectoral fins are transparent.

The Tiger Datnoid is a large predatory fish, and should be provided with a brackish water tank that is at least 75 to 100 gallons. It should not be kept with any small or docile fish, as these will be eaten or harassed to death. Ap[ropriate tankmates include scats, puffers, monos and other hardy brackish water fish.

Ok this is some BULL and I guess I need to wait until I get home to take pics. But I read more Details about the fish I purchased and it says they are D. Microlepis. But OMG, can they also be NTT's. I'll post later, hope I get some true ID.

Micro's are IT's (Indos), the only brackish Dats as stated before are the AT and NGT... and my bet is they are indos as they are the most common...