Deadeye’s Red Wolf Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
One issue I have been having is with my acrylic hood. Turns out that bows. Any ideas on straightening it out or should I come up with a way to clamp it down?
Thats the nature of acrylic as hoods it will always sag. I guess Lexan is not supposed to do that. Never tried it to find out.
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Thats the nature of acrylic as hoods it will always sag. I guess Lexan is not supposed to do that. Never tried it to find out.
This one is lexan, it hasn’t bowed too much, just enough where it doesn’t sit perfectly.
Been a while since I had a fish that I’m scared to keep my hand in the tank with…and I’m loving it.
I know he’s too small to do any real damage right now, but I still have no desire to get bitten (or give him a taste for blood). He almost took a lunge at me yesterday (saw him preparing like he does with his food).
At 8 inches it’s gonna make my clownfish seem like it tickles.
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Gave him a frozen river shrimp yesterday…and now I know that neocardina will not be a viable tankmate option lol
He has easily put on half an inch or more since getting him and is always out patrolling.
Seems most of my ramshorn snails have disappeared (I guess that’s what you get for tossing them into an uncycled tank). Hopefully enough are left to breed back to high numbers. Plenty of pond snails in there, and scuds are starting to come back. I need some sort of cleanup crew that aren’t on the menu.
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Been a while since I updated…he’s basically doubled in size since I got him (or more). Still barely close to full grown of course. I’d add a picture but it’s impossible to get a good one because he’s always begging for food whenever I get close…and I thought my blood parrot was bad.
Basically if it touches the water, it’s food. Shrimp, pellets, crickets, the siphon, etc.
I added some daphnia to the tank last night - hopefully they spread to large proportions and help tackle the large algae problem. And as they breed I’ll be able to take some out and transfer them to other tanks. They were originally meant to be sunfish food…but since that failed I might as well put them in a tank where they won’t be gone overnight.
Recent pic of the monster:
Probably about 5 inches or so, and showing nice big teeth. He also no longer shows any fear when I’m cleaning the tank, which means I’m gonna need to get creative when it comes to scraping algae (unless I want to get bit).
Too all the other red wolf owners - do yours ever get scarred up on their heads by jumping into the roof? Periodically mine will get some damage around where his eyes are, presumably from trying to get some nonexistent food at the surface and slamming into the roof.
It never affects him and always heals within a few days, but I am curious if there’s a way to prevent this.
Mine has never been a frequent jumper; I can't recall ever hearing him slam into the lid of his tank when I'm around. He jumped out once when I had a corner open for feeding, bounced off my chest, off the desk and onto a concrete floor, but without noticeable damage to either one of us.

I use corrugated clear poly sheets, sold for greenhouse use, as my covers. They are light and flexible enough that they "give" a bit when struck, absorbing the impact energy and reducing the risk of damage. I assume your lids are glass? That always seems to cause more damage to jumpers in my experience. It looks nicer, but I much prefer the clear poly.
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This lid is acrylic (Lexan) - gives a bit more than glass but definitely not comfortable to go headfirst into.
I haven’t ever seen him jump but will occasionally hear a loud smack come from the area.
It could be the flow from the HOB, I remember reading a while back that they equate that to something dying on the surface and fry to go for a strike. Could be the case here.