Debunked: CO2-Myth --- See tanks without carbon dioxide fertilization

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Needs high light intensity, soft to medium-hard water, 22-27°C.
Said to grow relatively slowly even under ideal conditions (Kasselmann)
Was found at pH 5.8 and 91microS/cm conductivity.
Hope this helps
Was found at pH 5.8 and 91microS/cm conductivity.

Sorry to be a pain but what does this mean? I'm a noob to all this plant stuff..
Water is acidic (pH) and has very little amounts of ions (salts) dissolved
Awesome. Thank you heaps and sorry about all my questions.
hi HarleyK HarleyK may I ask what plant is that in the 75 gal bare bottom planted with the wolf fish in it??
Is the plant tied to the wood or growing on the plant?????
That's Java fern, variant "Windelov". I originally tied it onto the drift wood, and it then grew out of control. In between might have been some Süßwassertang.
That was awesome. I loved that tank.
Read every post; and I have to say- this was the greatest planted tank thread I've ever read! Mainly due to the heated expert arguments. And both sides here appear to be right...

Whomever posted that 'adding C02 to aquariums...' is the most prevalent search in google got my attention, however, searches using ‘adding better lighting’ and ‘good substrates’ appear to be more intuitive, and maybe this is why these terms don't get more attention. Adding good lighting seems pretty clear to most people, and does not need much research. Yet, when one is more serious about plant growth, and after spending a couple hundred on a good lighting system, they start to research more complex topics, like adding C02.

That said, the critics of adding C02 as being the complete panacea are also right… there more important considerations to make, such as ‘adding good light’ is far more important to the general hobbyist than adding C02. You can do almost as well if you are able to invest in good lighting.

For both sides that know far more than I do… well said!
Mind if I take a turn beating this dead horse?.... Liebigs law of the minimum says it all light,nutrients, then co2. first post wins... You only need it if you want it or your tank is already established with no dirt or plants and you want fast action.I have/had co2 injected, dirted, all gravel, and even under gravel filters with all gravel. They all grow well they all have different light requirements and nutrient requirements...the best one for me is red clay, red&black cinder, mixed with dead uncomposted plant matter (twigs& leaves)with potting soil/compost over it and with 1" gravel cap over that... Pearls co2 and grows like the injected tank but requires no monitoring ...
The dead horse keeps on giving.

My thread was deliberately challenging to inspire discussion. I'm glad it's still alive(and open).

Thanks for your thoughts and experiences.
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