Debunked: CO2-Myth --- See tanks without carbon dioxide fertilization

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Can you list everything you use as fertilizers? I've been using excel and flourish but is there better product or do I need other stuff too? New to this.
Right now, it's Seachem Flourish, liquid. Dosed daily. I use Flourish tabs about twice per year near the roots. In desperate times I use Excel to kill algae/as a boost, but not as standard treatment.
Unfortunately, Kent Marine discontinued some of their products, or they've gotten real hard to find, even online. Thus, I switched to Seachem some years ago.

What matters most is finding plants that work with your water chemistry. Try a variety and see what survives and what flourishes.

Good luck!
Right now, it's Seachem Flourish, liquid. Dosed daily. I use Flourish tabs about twice per year near the roots. In desperate times I use Excel to kill algae/as a boost, but not as standard treatment.
Unfortunately, Kent Marine discontinued some of their products, or they've gotten real hard to find, even online. Thus, I switched to Seachem some years ago.

What matters most is finding plants that work with your water chemistry. Try a variety and see what survives and what flourishes.

Good luck!
You do flourish daily? On the label it says 1 to 2 times weekly. Does it harm the fish to do it daily? I haven't tried the root tabs yet. Do they just go under the gravel anywhere or does it have to be right under the plant?
Right now, it's Seachem Flourish, liquid. Dosed daily. I use Flourish tabs about twice per year near the roots. In desperate times I use Excel to kill algae/as a boost, but not as standard treatment.
Unfortunately, Kent Marine discontinued some of their products, or they've gotten real hard to find, even online. Thus, I switched to Seachem some years ago.

What matters most is finding plants that work with your water chemistry. Try a variety and see what survives and what flourishes.

Good luck!
Oh and my lfs sells Kent product. I saw one today that was iron and magnesium together
Should be iron and manganese (not magnesium)? I used to mix it all together with the Kent Dechlorinator for my drip system injector, Kent confirmed they were compatible mixed long term. Can't find the Dechlorinator any longer. Thus, I switched to Seachem, whose products should, however, only be mixed in the tank. Therefore, I'm dosing with a separate pump, daily. Works for me. I increase and decrease the amount according to how my plants are doing. If I want to sell a bunch, I'll give it a boost.
Just set up a 175 gal bowfront following Diana Walstad's system, kind of, I didn't want the tank to look like a jungle so I put all the floating and emergent plants in the sump. I have only had it set up for a couple of days now. IMG_0868.JPG IMG_0869.JPG IMG_0868.JPG IMG_0869.JPG IMG_0868.JPG IMG_0869.JPG IMG_0868.JPG IMG_0869.JPG
J Jet-Monkey
Looks very nice. Did you change it around a couple of days ago, or is this a brand new setup? The tank is bravely stocked if it's brand new...
J Jet-Monkey
Looks very nice. Did you change it around a couple of days ago, or is this a brand new setup? The tank is bravely stocked if it's brand new...
It is brand new. According to Diana's book and everything I have read there is no need to cycle a tank set up this way. I am monitoring the ammonia and nitrite etc... very closely and so far all at zero.
Good luck... :-/
Hmm well i don't think anyone out there is saying that you have to have co2 to get results. I have both low and high tech tanks. I get amazing results from my low tech setups but those same plants in my high tech tanks are growing much faster some are flowering and some are a lot more vibrant in the reds. We all have our own ideas on what we think works best but when you step back and look at the results, co2 helps a lot more than you think. Look at any IAPLC ( ADA contest tanks) tanks out there if you doubt co2. I would like to see one low tech tank at that level. I bet you cant produce one.. Once again not saying you need co2 but it helps. You should also use real fertilizers as Seachem flourish is very watered down.......
Hmm well i don't think anyone out there is saying that you have to have co2 to get results.
Actually, there are plenty of such people, especially those who want to appear "cutting edge", or sell planted tank equipment to hobbyists that are new to plants.... thus my thread :)

Once again not saying you need co2 but it helps.
Depends on what you want. When I look at my backyard, I want a lush green lawn. I do not want to have to mow it every week, though. Same with my tanks. I do not want to have to mess around with pulling plants. I just want a lush green look. Maybe you're a gardener who likes trimming more than I do.

You should also use real fertilizers as Seachem flourish is very watered down.......
They work for me since they're easily auto-dosable with my peristaltic pump. No need to change a working set-up.

Please share your set-ups, especially the low tech you mentioned?