Gold Tier Deeda, Esteemed Contributor


Hand of the King
Aug 29, 2009
I crash at the K-Pg
I don't see anyone saying anything against gold, only support. The strength of the initial nomination, the strength of the follow on evidence and the length of time Dee's been in our community all supports the upgrade.

I'm officially moving this to Gold Tier status.


MFK Member
Jan 6, 2018
Canada eh
She’s got my vote for sure. One of the mainstays that keep adding value in so many ways. ???? I’m happy this is for gold.


Hand of the King
Aug 29, 2009
I crash at the K-Pg
Chicxulub Chicxulub how many votes does this have to get before deeda gets the award?
Nominations must be allowed to be open for no less than one full calendar month. Given that this nomination was only brought to the table last week, it'll have to stay open until the end of April, especially considering that everyone seems to think D deeda is worthy of the upgrade to Esteemed Contributor.

The reason for this is because when the awards program was young, awards would be fast tracked and awarded as soon as they seemed to have the support. Then, we had an instance where a MFKer felt the award in question wasn't viable, and presented a darned good case to support their claim. This resulted in the revocation of an award. After that, we changed the program to function in such a way so as to allow sufficient time to pass for anyone who may feel compelled to give their input (good or bad) to have the time required to do so

This keeps the awards program open, fair and transparent. Figuring out a way to do this without it degrading into a popularity contest was a real challenge, but I'd like to think we've gotten pretty close.


MFK Member
Apr 29, 2012
I am going to have to say I am against deeda here. I didn’t appreciate his passive aggressiveness and the “gang up” mentality that occurred in this thread.
He, and a couple of others, in their roles as internet tough guy really attacked OP.
If you want to discourage people from posting pictures of their setup, just come right out and say it.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Global Moderator
MFK Member
Feb 13, 2007
Bronx, NYC
I'm sorry but I don't see it. Passive-aggressive as far as I know is when someone tries to be subtle(indirect) in their disagreement. Deeda was direct and merely voicing her opinion.

This is a public forum and the OP submitted his tank for public consumption the most logical reason for this would be because they wanted responses, engagement from the community in the form of their opinions. That comes with people possibly not agreeing or having the same feelings or tastes about what the OP shared.

Someone expressing a different opinion isn't attacking as long as it's done respectfully. I see no subversive attempt by Deeda to undermine or attack the OP's character, intelligence or set up as would be exemplified by one being passive-aggressive. She merely expressed her own preferences directly and respectfully.

If I had a tattoo and asked someone what they thought and they said "I don't care for tattoos" I wouldn't feel attacked I'd just feel we have different likes/tastes.We're different people and that's one of the things that make this world great. The fact that we are all individuals with the ability to be who we are and that everyone has the freedom to voice themselves and be accepted even if we don't see eye to eye on everything as long as we respect one another.

I also don't see the "gang up". I see others expressing their opinions. Some in agreement with Deeda and others complimenting the OP's set up.

In my opinion one of the signs of a healthy community is the ability to disagree respectfully which I feel is actually exemplified in the thread by all the parties involved.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
May 14, 2018
Esteemed ContributorAward- contributor gold.pngPoints- 1100Requirements- This award is for members with a very long history of exceptionally consistent gregarious behavior who have shown an ability to sort, collate and link information to allow it to be easily found by the community far better than their peers and who have an exceptionally long history of regularly engaging the community to drive discussions forward.
"sort, collate, and link information"
"engaging the community to drive discussions forward"

Here are every post she said in the thread you linked to.

Unusual size tank, what are the dimensions?
The OP has front and back views Here
The tank itself comes out to 180 gallons when you do the math of 48"L x 24"W x 36"H.

Nice looking tank setup though too many fish for my taste. Not criticizing you as everyone has a different take on what they like and you seem to be doing a great job on keeping the fish healthy.
New dimensions are 48x30x36 divided by 231=224.41 gallons not including the 2 FX filters, sorry to be a stickler. ?

I have only paid retail one or two times in my life when I first set up a 75G tank with Malawi cichlids. Now I get most of my fish from local fish clubs and auctions as juveniles and grow them up and watch them breed and sell off the juvies at the same places.

I just don't care for the look of lots of fish in a tank as I like to see their natural behavior of interacting and breeding. My solution for lots of fish is lots of tanks. :grinyes:

Now, by the requirements of the award I'd say she is furthering the conversation. She asked about the dimensions, posted a link to where more pictures could be found, did some math and showed her work when she felt something was off, shared a personal experience, and shared her opinion. I personally see nothing wrong with that. The one thing I feel as though could be argued that she wasn't being 100% kind is "I just don't care for the look of lots of fish in a tank as I like to see their natural behavior of interacting and breeding" however that is her personal opinion and is written in a tasteful way.