• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Dieffenbachia filtrartion

Looks like a very effective set up/
Has it been set up log?
What are the nitrate readings?
It’s been set up in different systems over the last year and a half. Last time it was on my 180, with three mini marbles and multiple Oscar’s.
currently it’s on my 250, just set it up a few days ago so haven’t tested yet.
in the previous setting I consistently was around 60-80ppm nitrates but a) that bioload it’s hard to get lower, b) my sump wasn’t as efficient as my current one. Right now I have a two tank system totaling 80 gallons, plus the 28 and the 250, coming out to around 350 gallons.
I do keep a host of small fish such as guppies and Flagfish in the small tank though.
mill take readings in a couple weeks and update as I do.
currently I have three marbles, 7 Oscar’s and one 30” fire eel in that tank, so I don’t expect the ppm to drop below 40 at any point.
How do I introduce these plants to my tank? If I get them at the store in pots with dirt, can I just remove the dirt and sybmerge their roots in the water? Or should I suspend them right above the water so the roots dangle and reach down into it?
How do I introduce these plants to my tank? If I get them at the store in pots with dirt, can I just remove the dirt and sybmerge their roots in the water? Or should I suspend them right above the water so the roots dangle and reach down into it?
The first method is how I’ve done all of mine which worked just fine.