Disc Rot ? Is this a Fungus?


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
LFS had them on a bad substrate with an Undergravel filter.. + Brine shrimp.. Kinda obvious where it came from..

I did question if it was a new-born pup type thing.. but I have never seen that before and some don't have that (and my original 3 didn't have it either)

but yeah so has anyone treated it before? I saw a previous post that suggested salt and good water quality.. That is what I have been doing so far.

Also talked to another raykeeper who said he has seen it, and treated it with either Triple Sulfa or Tetracycline.. Any try these with rays before? :confused:

They are all eating and acting like normal teacups. The healthiest looking one is breathing heavy. It makes me wonder if it's a bacterial infection that it is also effecting their spiracles/gills..

I have heard it can lead to complete wasting away of the disc.. Luckily they are eating and packing down blackworms and should be able to keep on weight.. PraziPro treatment is coming up soon.

Any feedback, thanks in advance everyone!







Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 22, 2007
does it hang off the bottom of the disk or appear to have 2 colors to the bottom of the disc? i really couldnt tell from the pictures if it hangs off. i have seen rays with similar coloration of the bottom of their disk and my orbignyi appears to have the same thing. those that i have seen with the 2 tone bottom disc along with my orbignyi, have been healthy with no problems just seemed to be a possible deformity. the ones i have seen that hang off of the disc and even looked like it was curling under as opposed to the death curl, were not healthy and kept in poor water conditions. i'm not sure if those with health issues survived or were treated because the lfs sold them. are those the new ones you got?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 22, 2007
Barcelona - Spain
Looks exactly the same as my female when she came home. Take a look to the pics of her. I did not treat her with anything....that´s the weird thing about her. She treat herself by jumping out of the water. Saltwater rays do it this way, i´ve seen it and it works for them. Here you have the only pics i have fo her:

The parasites are over the right eye, those thing looking like herpes spreading to the whole body.
You can see the dark marks on the ventral side of the disc, those are gone now as well as the round shaped parasites in the head, but in step of the dark marks remains a brownish color.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 2, 2006
My retics had the same thing. To me, it looks like the layers of skin that contain pigment "wrap" around the edge of the disk. Perhaps a change in substrate caused some of the skin to become irritated and recede. It didn't bother mine. My female motoro has some areas on the front underside of her disk that are brown with faint yellow spots.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 14, 2006
from what i heard its pigmentation too which develops before birth on some rays. As far as i know it isnt harmful and just something some rays have. A friends' ray also has it and it not a problem.


MFK Member
Jan 23, 2006
GR Michigan
ernesto you said that she treated herself? My new Motoro has the same type of Warts or herpes parasite. Does anyone know how to treat?


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
pitbullfish;1723134; said:
does it hang off the bottom of the disk or appear to have 2 colors to the bottom of the disc? i really couldnt tell from the pictures if it hangs off. i have seen rays with similar coloration of the bottom of their disk and my orbignyi appears to have the same thing. those that i have seen with the 2 tone bottom disc along with my orbignyi, have been healthy with no problems just seemed to be a possible deformity. Looks to be more of a 2nd layer. One of my other reticulated rays have pattern pigment on the underside.. It's obvious the difference in the two when you look very close as this is on the outer layer of the disc, while the pigmentation on the other ray seems to come from under the flesh of the disc.
the ones i have seen that hang off of the disc and even looked like it was curling under as opposed to the death curl, were not healthy and kept in poor water conditions. i'm not sure if those with health issues survived or were treated because the lfs sold them. are those the new ones you got?
Yep the new ones.. like I said it was an UGF and they were trying to feed bloodworms and brine shrimp. That is why I am thinking its more a parasite/fungus/bacteria than a birth defect, juvenile characteristics, pigmentation, etc..

It's tough to tell if it "hangs" off the disc.. as where the coloration changes it looks "flush"... not sloughing or flaking away at all.

ernesto;1723151; said:
Looks exactly the same as my female when she came home. Take a look to the pics of her. I did not treat her with anything....that´s the weird thing about her. She treat herself by jumping out of the water. Saltwater rays do it this way, i´ve seen it and it works for them. Here you have the only pics i have fo her:

The parasites are over the right eye, those thing looking like herpes spreading to the whole body.
You can see the dark marks on the ventral side of the disc, those are gone now as well as the round shaped parasites in the head, but in step of the dark marks remains a brownish color.
I've heard of the parasite jumping out of the water deal.. I wonder if that's why one of my other rays would always splash the water at night? Got a dose of precautionary Prazi, moved it to a bigger tank, and she stopped.

I see alot of people don't use anything to treat it, but rather fix the living conditions from prior issues. Interesting.

spotfin;1723285; said:
My retics had the same thing. To me, it looks like the layers of skin that contain pigment "wrap" around the edge of the disk. Perhaps a change in substrate caused some of the skin to become irritated and recede. It didn't bother mine. My female motoro has some areas on the front underside of her disk that are brown with faint yellow spots.
It does kind of look like a wrap. Good know it didn't have any issues with your ray. We all know retics can be more sensitive (maybe?) .. I believe these rays came from TFDfish so I don't know about prior quality control either.

I am almost positive it was from the substrate change.. the UGF contained chunks of crushed coral I think, too.. :screwy::irked::irked:

StiffMeister;1723412; said:
from what i heard its pigmentation too which develops before birth on some rays. As far as i know it isnt harmful and just something some rays have. A friends' ray also has it and it not a problem.
I don't think it's pigmentation.. I have a ray with that and it's a bit different. The picture quality doesn't quite show it as well.. You see the pigmentation more so in rays as they grow, I've noticed.. AJfromAT's retics have crazy pigmentation underside, but I believe they acquired it as adults?

Between the prior living conditions, quality, and juvenile size.. I still point to an illness of sorts.. I have observed lots of types of pigmentation on the underside of rays, and I currently have a 7" male retic that DID NOT have this coloration on the underside at 3", but it starting to develop it as it grows.

Any feed back with Tetracycline or Triple Sulfa? I went ahead with the Triple Sulfa treatment and the 'fat healthy' retic that was breathing heavily, has slowed down to a more normal rate.

Thanks guys.


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
Adult Retic with underside pattern.. (Thanks AJ :D :D :D )

It seems a bit different.. I wonder if it developed with age like my current male retic?



Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
It also makes me wonder if at some point they had some bad ammonia damage or damage to the disc, and it healed over excessively, a bit like a "scab"..


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 8, 2005
outside philly
tetracyclene killed a retic that a friend had... maracyn and maracyn 2 i have used with rays with no problem... triple sulfa might be a lil too strong for them to handle... mela and pima fix work great... i would go pristine water with salt and a mela pima combo