Discus and plecos?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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What temps are your tanks at since the pleco section thinks the clowns will die if they are above 78. Online I read the clowns range as up to 84F. At the pet store, the tank is 82F.
my tank is 86F
crashwl21;4875781; said:
my tank is 85

and the clown is fine even though online it says up to 84f?

I figured a degree or 2F made no difference since online they do not even state what temp the plecos are originally acclimated to....
I have couple plecos with juvie discuses and no problem with them together. I have a three becon, L 177 yellow seam gold nugget, and a L 333 king tiger. Just make sure you keep these guys well feed and you wouldn't have any problem with them.
Ironically, I've had more problems with seemingly docile "vegetarian algae eater" plecos eating my discus slime that I have had with the carnivorous ones. I've had otos and sturisoma whiptails attach to my discus. They're well fed daily with veggie flakes and algae wafers.

Bristlenoses are safe, as are most of the "carnivorous" fancy plecos (I've tried peckoltia sp, hypancistrus sp and pseudacanticus sp.)
Keeping any fish sucker is a gamble with discus. There is always a chance that they will start sucking on the sides of your discus. It doesn't really matter if you keep good food in there or not. If you get one that starts, then you will have to remove it. For those that say that carnivorous or herbivorous plecos are better, that is myth. Either type can develop the habit. Clown plecos rarely get to 4", but are fine at 82dF. I wouldn't keep your discus as high as 86, there is no need, unless you are qting them. Otherwise, drop your temp down a few degrees.
WyldFya;4898794; said:
Keeping any fish sucker is a gamble with discus. There is always a chance that they will start sucking on the sides of your discus. It doesn't really matter if you keep good food in there or not. If you get one that starts, then you will have to remove it. For those that say that carnivorous or herbivorous plecos are better, that is myth. Either type can develop the habit. Clown plecos rarely get to 4", but are fine at 82dF. I wouldn't keep your discus as high as 86, there is no need, unless you are qting them. Otherwise, drop your temp down a few degrees.

I would say peckoltia sp, hypancistrus sp and pseudacanticus sp. are indeed a safer bet,not a myth in my opinion.I am speaking from my experience with over 150 plecos for almost two years.The only ones i have found to ever suck slime coat were sailfins and commons.I am just now trying discus with about 40 plecos and it has not been long enough to say if this will work out,so far so good.Having a bunch of tanks allows you to try things.
Sorry, but 2 years is not long enough to know much of anything with the pleco's long term habits. Yes you have had a few in those two years. But it can take longer than a couple of days to see something happening. Certain genus are less likely to suck slime, but all of them can and will if the opportunity arises.
Sorry I have not replied in awhile, forgot to check back at the thread :(

I did have the temperature higher since when I got the discus, the tank was basically a QT. I got all my discus roughly at the same time so none went to QT(they all went to the discus), they all went in the same tank haha. I will lower it to about 83F. Saves on powerbill so the GF will like that haha.

As an update: I have not added any plecos yet. Don't know if I will. The plecos sold at the LFS (no shock there), but more are coming in, so we will see what happens.