• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Discus and salt

But why do people use it? I can understand if you're treating for something or trying to make osmoregulation easier for stressed/sick fish, but why would you continually dose a healthy tank with it? Discus are freshwater fish. Salt isn't necessary. I don't dump it into my other cichlid tanks so why would discus be any different?

I think a lot of people are too quick to dump stuff into their tanks for no reason.
Epsom salt is magensium sulfate, not really "salt" as most people see it. It's used for ingrown toenails (yuck) and mixed with water to be taken as a laxative. Those are human uses, so I imagine it would also have a laxative effect on fish.

Rock salt is sodium chloride, just plain salt.

Table salt is iodized sodium chloride. Any type of salt is fine to use to treat fish, as long as it does not have yellow prussiate(spelling?!) of soda or caking agents.

As general care goes, I would not always keep my discus (or any other freshwater fish) salted unless they present symptoms to something that is susceptible to treatment with salt (a couple examples: hexamita with epsom salt, ich with plain/rock salt) and my water parameters are pristine (i.e. ammonia-0, nitrIte-0, nitrAte<40.)
If any of those water parameters are out of whack, I'd correct the water quality problem before taking steps forward with treatment. Bad water + treating illness puts an enormous amount of stress on the fish, which ultimately causes the fish to succumb to a completely treatable malady.
I initially used 3 tbls of natural sea salt per 10 gal. during set up of my 55 gal. Discus tank but have not added anymore since. I had set up my Discus tank nearly a month ago. Now i just add Kent Marine Discus Essential additive as instructed on the product label. I've always wondered about regular salt usages in my aquarium, alot off people do, alot of people don't. Has anyone experienced specific problems regarding regular salt use? I haven't, but i don't use salt on a regular basis.
i normally put in a lil bit of salt into the tank right after a waterchange. not to treat it but dont in natural water contain a tiny bit of salt in them? but in my opinion adding a lil bit of salt in the tank after a waterchange wont hurt anything. been doing it for years.