DIY Algae scrubber

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Can you explain what the sulfur/crushed coral reactor would do. I'm not familiar with that?
Same idea that aneoribic bacteria will reduce the sulfur and oxidize nitrate in the absence of oxygen. The by product is acid and will need to balanced out with crushed coral. This is mainly used on the reef side. Not long done long term on the freshwater side or atleast I don't remember.
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Cool please post the build and results
jaws7777 said:
Also ordered some stability to seed the media

I looked at the Seachem Stability website lastnight and it says Stability "contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria which facilitate the breakdown of waste organics, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.

And this is taken from their statements back in 2009 "Stability® contains both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, a blend found in no other product." I don't know how they could claim that having both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria was unique to Stability even back in 2009, but unless they changed the product since then, Stability should help seed your denitrator about as well as any product I'd think.
I looked at the Seachem Stability website lastnight and it says Stability "contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria which facilitate the breakdown of waste organics, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.

And this is taken from their statements back in 2009 "Stability® contains both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, a blend found in no other product." I don't know how they could claim that having both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria was unique to Stability even back in 2009, but unless they changed the product since then, Stability should help seed your denitrator about as well as any product I'd think.

It was cheaper than biodigest so we'll see i'll post results. Gonna inject it with a syringe directly into the intake on the pump
Just got most of the materials for the filter today. Hopefully I can have some progress done on it by Saturday. I'm still waiting for a few other miscellaneous parts to arrive before I can start building it.

Has anyone noticed any results with their filters? I haven't read the thread in a while.

Tomt37 Tomt37 Will a protein skimmer work with Pimafix and Melafix, or just aquarium salt? I know the meds make the water very foamy, but I'm not sure if it's enough for a protein skimmer.
Just got most of the materials for the filter today. Hopefully I can have some progress done on it by Saturday. I'm still waiting for a few other miscellaneous parts to arrive before I can start building it.

Has anyone noticed any results with their filters? I haven't read the thread in a while.

Tomt37 Tomt37 Will a protein skimmer work with Pimafix and Melafix, or just aquarium salt? I know the meds make the water very foamy, but I'm not sure if it's enough for a protein skimmer.

A few posts up kno4te updated with his results
Im really curious as to what your flow rate is. Seems like its working great for you. I still have nit noticed anything. Could be when i re did the filter the aneribic bb that may have been establishing was killed by having exposure to oxygen?

Also found that gph has taken a huge hit. Looks to be around 15 gph maybe not enough to feed bb and its causing it to not colonize? Jist ordered a new pump
Aquaripure nitrate filters run at 6gph, and that's still enough to sustain an anaerobic bacteria colony. As long as there is some flow in your filter, the bacteria shouldn't die.
So far my nitrates hit about 40ppm again. This is with the pump flow reduced even further, < 40gph. Still gonna wait it out. Will do a wc due to some sensitive fish. I am convinced it works as I'm doing about 2 wc's per month and that's down from 8 wc's per month. There is some benefit.

Will keep it running for now.

In the meantime I will be looking at doing another little diy job...maybe sulfur/crushed coral reactor.
I think it's amazing to see that diy anaerobic nitrate filters work, and they're not just another idea that could make our lives easier.

I hope the Prodibio will boost the anerobic bacteria growth in my filter once I get it running. I need it running soon, because in a couple of weeks, I'll be gone for 10 days.

I'm also somewhat worried about feeding the fish. Buying enough feeders to keep up with their habits would cost a fortune, but I'm afraid the Mota would kill something if I don't feed him. I need the filter running as the Mota and Pleco are pigs. 10 days with the same amount of food would likely mean ~80ppm or nitrate once I get back.
I sent this question to Seachem when I visited their site a couple nights ago and received a definitive answer today.

Q: Does Seachem Stability contain anaerobic denitrifying bacteria which could be used to cycle a new denitrifying filter (running at very low flowrates)?

A: Seachem Support (Seachem Laboratories) May 24, 15:14 ADT

Thank you for your email. It does, yes, and this is the product that we recommend to seed denitrification filters.

Thank you,

Seachem Support
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