Just after my last post I did a larger water change than usual as I had procrastinated for about 5 days. No breeding, but both stopped showing as much aggressive behavior to one another. The female build a nest (cleared the substrate away) in her favorite cave and the male started hanging out near her instead of watching me all the time. No eggs, but I changed my mind about moving her and I'm going to keep up on these 50% water changes and see if it happens. The male also became aggressive toward my Bichir, something that has only happened rarely before. I am truly astounded at just how much food he fits in his mouth, I have started dropping large quantities of it at opposite ends of the tank hoping some will sink fast enough to give the others a chance to eat but he dashes back and forth and catches 90% of it. The rest he snatches from the bottom feeders as soon as her sees them find it. Even with his recent potential breeding behavior, my window of opportunity is closing because at this rate he will outgrow my setup soon.