Great advise aussieman57 ?Seachem Alkaline Buffer. Looks like the API proper pH brings water to 7.0? I would just use the Seachem Buffer or something similar as you can adjust pH up slowly as needed.
Great advise aussieman57 ?Seachem Alkaline Buffer. Looks like the API proper pH brings water to 7.0? I would just use the Seachem Buffer or something similar as you can adjust pH up slowly as needed.
Awesome. Thank you!! I’ll get this and post updates.Seachem Alkaline Buffer. Looks like the API proper pH brings water to 7.0? I would just use the Seachem Buffer or something similar as you can adjust pH up slowly as needed.
This is awesome. Thank you! My pH I’m guessing is very low, as it shows up as light tan in my test tube, which isn’t even on the card. How would I fix that? Is there anything I can add? Is the API pH stabilizer any good?
Thank you for telling me. I have the KH test kit, so I’ll test the KH of my tap water once I get home. I’ll update y’all then!What's the PH of your tap water? If you're going to measure with PH in the long run, you need to test the KH of your tap water. A high KH will prevent PH modifications. API sells GH/KH test kit.
That's fine. Be interested to see what your kH comes out as. I'll betcha it's @ 3 or less.Used the seachem buffer once, here’s the pH. Is this good enough, or should I add more?
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