Electric Blue Acara

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thank you.
I'm in no hurry, I'm happy to leave them together. Just didn't know if the parents will end up picking on their fry. 👍 Thanks!
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duanes duanes Thanks, that's good advice. Admittedly the spawning caught me off guard, but I always greatly enjoy breeding the fish I keep. 😃 I'll have to quickly think about tank space...
Is it possible for other fish to do breed with electric blue acara??
South American fish are not forgiving as centrals are. Most all centrals can interpreted. They are still closely enough related to be able to make viable offspring.
South American don't share this possibility. There are a few here and there that can breed with others such as the Festae alias the Red terror. But most fish from the South can only breed with others like themselves.
The electric blue acara may be able to breed with the regular version of itself the Andinoacara pulcher or even it's cousin the Green terror (Andinoacara rivilatus). But outside Andinoacara, no viable fry can be produced. Otherwise you would see it all over YouTube as you do with hundreds of different central crossings.
You don't see Oscar X Midas videos as they can't breed. But you will see things such as Midas X Ted terror.
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I had a wild Andinoacara latifrons attempt to breed with a Cichlasoma amazonarum, they spawned together multiple times over a period of a few months. The eggs never hatched, but I later found out that both of these fish were females so that wasn't really a test! Later the same blue acara tried very hard to display to my (also female) severum, who ignored her. I have seen reports of the electric blues breeding successfully with normal blue acaras and as Jexnell said they would probably be able to breed with green terrors too.