Enough BB to Cycle?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 4, 2010
Darth Scohin;4529783; said:
So I'm setting up my 180gal next week. I have a C360 Canister and AC110 on my 75gal to begin to add BB to the filter media, I'm also going to add nearly an entire bottle of Stability to the tank. Do you think with the C360 and AC110 and Stability I'll have enough to add my fish the following week? (btw I'll also have another C360 and AC110 on the 180gal)
You have a ac110 and a c360 on your 75 gallon cycling?
If the ac110 and c360 have been running for a couple of weeks on a tank with fish for a couple of weeks they have bb on them and you can put them on the 180 and add fish the same day.

You cant just add filters to a tank and cycle with no fish they need something to eat.

Darth Scohin

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 16, 2009
Mountain Valley, Near Flats
KCK;4580470; said:
Your running in circles man..
Set up your tank, vacuum your old tank where the bichirs are now, throw that water into the 180 gallon,
if you change 50% of a 75g tank, then you have 32.5/180 of cycled water,
add in 150g of fresh water, and if you want to be certain either put in a handful of fish food to mold, or sink a piece of meat in a ziploc bag with holes until it molds.
At that point you can take a water sample to PetSmart for a free water test,
or if you have the kits you can do it yourself.
If you want to know for sure, just buy a few feeder goldfish for the tank.

It's not like those three goldfish are missing out on much.
They can sit in a 10g tank with 300+ goldfish, or they can lounge about in a 180g tank with slightly imperfect water parameters.
Your choice, but good luck either way.

By now you probably already have the tank up, so just remember this for the future I guess.
Actually a few things got in the way so I just barley added 30gallons of used water(from other tanks) into it so as of right now the tank has been given the following media cultures
Strained HOT MAG filter sock
And aforementioned 30gal of WC water(I also added some fishy food).

I'm going to test it and add some Congos/Alestes once I see 0 NH3&Nitrite JIC something is a no go in the tank


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2009
The amounts of bad info floating around your post is really depressing.
Can only guess these people are genuine in their efforts to help you.
I`ll say it once more, you are only guessing without testing your water yourself.
Bringing a tank up to a known ammonia level and seeing how fast it goes to zero, along with testing for nitrite levels is the only, 100% sure way you can know your tank is cycled.
You want to take your water to some clerk at a box pet store, well go ahead.
You want to throw potentially diseased fish into your new tank, have at it.
You want to move tank water around, thinking the water is going to help you, do it.
You could very easily make every mistake new fish keepers make and still have your fish live, or they could go belly up.
They could possibly make it through the cycling process with slight ammonia, or nitrite poisoning, and live a good long life.
Or not.
It`s all on you.
Good luck with your new tank.
Just remember, the simple water change can cure a whole bunch of mistakes.

Darth Scohin

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 16, 2009
Mountain Valley, Near Flats
^WTF^ Are you talking about when did I ever say I wasn't going to test my water? You just said a couple posts earlier to just add my fish day ONE so why change your mind? I am going to look at Ammonia going up but the question was to ask if the tank would have enough BB to be cycled that question was answered and I resurected this thread only stating what BB cultures are now present.