I get what
@TwoHedWlf said because I get this all of the time from people my cat is a bengal/octicat/savannah MOSTLY this comment: “my cat looks like a Bengal“ the most common cat color out there is the brown tabby DSH. LOL. It’s a funny topic on my end here. People are always debating this. People dont realize more and more bengals are being thrown on the side due to their behaviors or owners being a jerk so there are more legimate crosses nowadays than 10 years ago. IMO I will never write off a cat until I see it behave.
I ask people who asks me for my opinion when they are not sure for the behavior aspect first. I look for the unique behavior characteristics their bengal will show while playing thats the true tell for me if you have more of a bengal or more of the tabby side of the cross. It’s the classic tail that curves into an upside U when they are excited or running around playing that tells me its more Bengal. That’s what I have seen when encountering bengals and tabbies alike. People think oh their cat plays with water- its a bengal thing etc no no no there is generalized behaviors that overlaps several breeds and there are hybrid related behavior and UNIQUE quirks a bengal does. each cat has their own personality and bengals are no different though not all are the same. When I see them play I can more likely can tell you if its dominant of a bengal side or a tabby side. They do play different IMO generally- a bengal is technically a cross from a tabby and a wild cat making it a hybrid to start with lol . Behavior is what I am more leery of- a tabby is a very very very mild mannered cat compared to a high strung bengal like mine. JEEZ I’ve never had so much trouble coming from a cat until this bengal with her antics. a different ballgame IMO lol.
Pelt length is not a good way to gauge a bengal or a tabby. A bengal still has a tabby genetic background to grow the fur longer in colder/harsher climate. My current bengal came from a warm environment and lived with me in a cold environment over the years her fur has slowly gotten longer just slightly double her original length slowly catching up DSH tabby housemates regular fur length in some areas of her body that needs heat retention by now it was very gradual. her pelt was very very short back then years ago. She’s a purebred, I immediately got her fixed for so many reasons. A bad backyard breeding product IMO. Been to several Bengal/Savannah catteries myself trying to find a suitable playmate for my wild child. Some were god-awful catteries. Decided two of them was gonna kill me so I have just given up on that idea of having another one.
Yours look wise can pass for a bengal cross on my end here at the end of the day as I see the classic changeover of her fur coloring from one photo to the next, face/bone can pass as well as black feet pads/bottom Leg, chest marking isn’t the classic bengal marking Its the tabby marking more likely prompting twohedwlf’s commentary that might have been the reason as most classic brown bengals have more rich scrawling across their chest vs the classic tabby ring chest is what yours have . My bengal coloring can change in the same room when walking across a room, shade/light/sun its all interesting and trust me go to a cat show that allows this breed in their show (some do not allow bengals nor Savannah’s) and look closer at a true bengal- you can start to differentiate by a glance but its not right IMO to write it off. Your cat can pass for a bengal cross or even a toyger cross i wouldn’t be surprised at which they are playing around with a cat with that type of marking with all straight stripe across its flank and thank you for rescuing her! I love her coloring.